
Diese Wissensdatenbank ist eine Sammlung von Antworten auf (häufig) gestellte Fragen (FAQ) sowie anderen Texten.
Sie soll eine Ersthilfe sein - ist die gesuchte Antwort nicht vorhanden, kann ein Ticket erstellt werden.

 Commercial Users (english)


The participation of commercial members (providers) is generally welcome in our forums, as long as they primarily contribute their expertise to assist regular private users. A "normal participation" in the forum is therefore possible without further requirements - we only want a clear and unambiguous "commercial" identification in the signature. However, the publication of business information and advertising of our own products and/or services are subject to certain other terms and conditions, which we would like to explain in more detail below:


The signature should contain a unique COMPANY ID that clearly indicates the commercial character of the provider. This can be, for example,"Consultant for Clinic XY" or "Forum Representation for Clinic XY", if the activity is, for example, freelance. Furthermore, the specification of website and e-mail address is useful and desirable in order to enable direct contact.

Information about own products / services

Manufacturers and retailers offering products and therapies for hair loss can post information on the forums. Such a contribution MUST be clearly marked by:

1. a headline which is EFFECTIVE (e. g."Company X's information about product Y"),
2. a unique COMPANY ID in the signature, which clearly indicates the commercial character of the provider (see above)

The post is to be formulated in a factual and concise way, as well as a new thread/new topic, i. e. NOT to be written into ongoing discussions!

Such general information about the company and/or products is available free of charge once every six months. However, we ask for your understanding that Alopezie. de cannot and will not be a free advertising platform. If you as a commercial user would like to participate in the forum regularly with references to your own offers (= advertisement), you have to register as a commercial user and make a small contribution in the form of an advertisement. This starts at EUR 30 per month for an entry in the Clinic Finder. If this should appear to be disproportionate or unreasonable in a specific individual case, or if someone cannot afford the "contribution", he/she may turn to us with confidence and we will certainly find a solution.

However, even if you are a registered commercial user, we would like to ask you to make sure that the number of contributions does not exceed a reasonable amount. Experience has shown that a volume of about 1 posting within 2 weeks is considered helpful and meaningful. Whoever thinks that one is interested in "daily advertising postings" is mistaken! Alopezie. de is not an "advertising cemetery"!

Furthermore, please note that the legal responsibility for published contents always lies with the author, therefore we would like to ask you to observe German law (especially the HWG = Heilmittelwerbegesetz and the UWG = Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb). In particular, the HWG prohibits the so-called "before and after" images of medical procedures, including hair transplants.

Of course, registered commercial users can also use the forums for any factual discussions, but not for advertising purposes.

 Discussion on own products / services

A discussion between providers and individual forum users about individual application questions of the products/services should be conducted/explored between the participants and should not give the impression of an advertising campaign. It is therefore recommended that the provider information (signature entries) contains an e-mail address and/or a web page link, so that interested parties can contact the provider directly in case of queries - outside the forums.

In addition, it is possible to answer specific questions (or cases) about your own company in order to clarify specific problems. SPAM, i. e. the non-observance of this rule, the unintentional sending of PNs by the recipient, a too frequent posting of permitted information, as well as the hiding of advertising messages under false names, will be deleted without comment!

Further information in the news / blog

In addition, commercial suppliers can regularly and comprehensively inform about their products and services in the blog (see below).

If you would like to advertise your products/offers/services etc. beyond this and within a more appropriate framework at alopezie. de, we would be pleased to inform you about the advertising possibilities here. If you are interested, please contact 

Private messages - Important notice:

We would like to add a note on the handling of "private messages" (PNs) to the list. The PN area is not a place for customer acquisition. It has happened that commercial forum participants pressed users in a nasty way by private messages and user have been overwhelmed with buying offers literally. In such a case, the respective commercial participant must expect immediate exclusion from the forum.

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Artikel-ID: 40

Kategorie: Foren / Regeln

Datum (erstellt): 2017-10-10 10:17:00

Aufrufe : 1112

Bewertung (Stimmen): Artikelbewertung 1.9/5.0 (13)

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