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Waseda Regimen bei [Beitrag #5607] :: Di., 03 Januar 2006 19:38 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
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Waseda Regimen Discontinuation Notes

October, 2005
Dear Customers,

After several years of making custom formulations for Waseda's
regimen, I have decided to discontinue several of the custom
formulations. Importing difficulties, a lack of new supportive
evidence for the regimen, and a desire to spend more time researching
and creatively promoting the deeper traditional core of Chinese
medicine have led me to make this decision.

As I've stated before, I never intended to get into making,
promoting, or selling experimental natural remedies for hair loss or
Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). My involvement in Waseda's regimen came
from orders for the bulk ingredients listed on my site used in making
the recipes for Souhakuhi and Morehairin, recipies shared in online
discussion forums by a Mr. Waseda from Japan. At the time, my site
was more primitive, and it was difficult for customers to find the
Mulberry Bark (Sang Bai Pi), Licorice Root (Gan Cao), and Perilla
Leaf (Zi Su Ye) which the recipes called for. I put together a
special page to make buying these ingredients together easier. The
original group of customers were impressed by my acknowledgement of
their research desires, and requested I find and sell some other
ingredients, namely Grape Seed Extract, Senburi (Swertia japonica),
and Japanese Bayberry. After considerable expense and effort, I was
able to import the special herbs from Japan. Sales were significant
for my small business, and I hired people to help me fill orders.
Customers requested that I begin to make and sell some of the
recipes, as the knowledge and equipment needed to do so are a bit
beyond macaroni and cheese. Thus started my deeper involvement in the
experiment known as Waseda's regimen.

It has been very educational for me. It has been more educational
than profitable, as most of the profits went to labor, equipment, and
materials cost.

Over time, some things have changed. The Food Bioterrorism Act of
2003 made importing herbs much more difficult, and I am not currently
equipped to meet the new FDA importing rules. My source in Japan
stopped dealing with Senburi, Bayberry, and Amacha, and my stock is
running low. Mr. Waseda is long gone from the discussion forums--
whether he tired of the adolescent and vulgar insults which make up a
large part of many online forums or simply got too busy with his
paying job has never been answered. I have not directly solicited
testimonials or photos from the users of the products I offer, but I
would have expected to hear more feedback if these products worked
reliably to regrow hair, as some theorized they would. (If any users
have such feedback and are distressed that I have discontinued the
products, please e-mail me any photos, stories, etc at Kevin at this
web site name dotcom.) My time is valuable, and my business is
clearly ready to grow more towards my own vision of its potential. To
do this, I need to free up some time and energy. This time and energy
can mostly come from the making of custom Waseda products.

I have not received any complaints about the product labelling or
claims associated with the Waseda products. Neither customers nor the
FDA have directly communicated concern about these products. However,
I have continued to learn about the laws and ethics which shape the
medical and dietary supplement industry. In a nutshell, because I
make and offer products with 'Morehair' in the title (even though
that was not a name I came up with, but a name which came with a
generic recipe I was requested to make), the products are technically
claiming to be drugs which need to be proven safe and effective to
the FDA before they are technically legal for introduction into
interstate commerce. Yes, many products are on the shelves of
supermarkets, health food stores, and Wal-Marts which are technically
illegal, and the desire or ability of the FDA to prosecute their
makers is lacking. My cautious conscience says that I am better off
not appearing to the world as making the claim that these products
reliably stop hair loss or promote hair growth. Ancient Way does not
currently have the resources to fund the studies which would be
necessary to apply for drug status.

I plan to continue to offer many of the individual ingredients (the
ones which I don't need to import from Japan), and customers are
welcome, as usual, to order ingredients to make their own
experimental products for personal or research use (as long as they
continue to accept responsibility for their results, as stated in the
member rules of my site).

Throughout my involvement with Waseda's regimen, many customers have
expressed thanks and gratitude for my honesty and disclosure. While
it would be easier in many ways to keep making and profiting from
these products and avoid the calls and e-mails I'll be getting for
months regarding their discontinuation, it is my desire to continue
to be honest and have integrity which leads me to discontinue them.

I have many exciting projects in line for my business, and hope that
some Waseda customers will become more interested in the
philosophical and practical aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine
and Taoism which I founded Ancient Way to research and promote.


Kevin O'Neil, L.Ac.

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