Startseite » Männer » Minoxidil » Interessantes über den neuen Foam
Interessantes über den neuen Foam [Beitrag #55752] :: Fr., 15 Dezember 2006 23:02 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
Rogaine 5% extra strength v Rogaine 5% foam
1.....The new Rogaine Foam grew 65.88% more hair than the original 5% version at the 16 week point in clinical trials (56% growth,original v 85% growth,foam)

2.....The new foam was developed in conjunction with Connetics using their Versafoam technology

3.....The new foam has *reduced* propylene glycol, that often caused irritation and hypersensitivity to the scalp.

4.....The new foam has "Years of extensive research" behind it and "clinical trials with more than 300 test subjects"

I just wanted to emhasise point 1 above to show that the new foam, according to Rogaines manufacturers (not me), IS more effective at growing hair - 65.88% more effective than the original version at the 16 week point.

Unfortunately, we don't have any hair counts to compare as yet as the new FDA study for the Rogaine Foam isn't out yet. All we have to go on,currently, are the comments above,as supplied by the manufacturers above which clearly suggest the new Foam is significantly better at growing hair.

So its not just "cosmetically" better. It grows alot more hair, is far easier to apply, looks good and has the advantage of lower side efftcs such as red/puffy face and the usual scalp problems caused by the high PG content.


Men’s Rogaine Foam has Been Proven Effective

Years of extensive research were conducted resulting in the following conclusions:

A survey was done among hundreds of men which found that Men’s Rogaine Foam was overwhelmingly preferred vs Rogaine solution.

The new foam formulation was shown to be safe, well tolerated, and effective when used as directed

Clinical trials with more than 300 test subjects were conducted to determine the effectiveness of Men’s Rogaine Foam

Results From a 16-Week Study

Researchers compared twice-daily application of 5% Men’s Rogaine Foam with twice-daily application of a placebo (medication-free solution) over 16 weeks in men with hereditary hair loss.

The results showed that 85% of men regrew hair in just 16 weeks.


In the official Rogaine 5% extra strength formula clinical trials that were submitted by Upjohn to the FDA , the following 16 week results were obtained (with the 32 week results in brackets):

Rogaine 5% extra strength formula

No growth..................44%...(14%)

Minimal Growth.........49%...(46%)

Moderate Growth.......04%...(38%)

Dense Growth............03%...(03%)


The new foam minox was developed in conjunction with a company called Connetics.

"We have granted Pfizer rights to our proprietary foam delivery technology for use with Pfizer’s Rogaine® hair loss treatment."

US Patent Number 6,946,120

"Many of the formulations require (or would require where the amount of minoxidil is greater than 5%) a very high percentage (often in the range of 30 to 50%) of propylene glycol or a similar glycol product in order to improve the solubility of minoxidil. Due to the viscosity and tack of propylene glycol, large amounts of propylene glycol or similar agents in a composition are not pharmaceutically or cosmetically elegant and may be unacceptable to the consumer. In addition, high concentrations of propylene glycol may cause local irritation and hypersensitivity upon application to the scalp.

It would accordingly be a significant advance in the art if a composition could be provided which would permit the inclusion of an increased percentage of the active ingredient, but without the disadvantages associated with a high propylene glycol concentration."

Rogain Foam 5% (11.12.2006)Neustart: 31.07.2008
Dr.Lee Spiro Creme (Abends) (29.07.2008) abgesetzt: starker Juckreiz u. Schwellungen
H&S, Seba-Med PH-neutral Shampoo
NEMs: Biotin(10mg)

Alter: 26 NW:2,5 (frontal-Problem)

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