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Hasson&Wong - Führend in der Haartransplantation- My Story [Beitrag #390705] :: Di., 20 Juni 2017 19:15 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
I am writing this to help those who want to prevent hair loss and for those who want to get back their natural hair.

About me and my story:

I lost 90% of all the hair on the top of the head and I tried to find clinics that could help me get back my hair. The answer I received from the different clinics in Norway and around the world was that it would take 3-4 operations and that I still had to live with hair loss on the crown. For me, this would take a lot of my time and money as well as risking not being satisfied when I was initially very skeptical about whether any clinics could deliver consistent results. I have through the years (10-11 years) tried most of the products and treatments. Together, I have probably spent nearly 300 effective hours (plus a lot of time thinking about it) and 100,000 kroner only on misunderstood treatments, consultations and travel. Possibly more.
After several years of "research" and flawed treatments I booked a consultation with Hasson & Wong in London. After the meeting I was convinced that this was the right clinic. This because I saw the results of their adivsor and former patient, and I saw the results of a good friend who chose to treat Hasson & Wong. In retrospect, I have seen that they deliver consistent results time after time on new customers.
After seeing and experiencing what a hair transplant can do, if one goes to the best of them, I chose to be an advisor for Hasson&Wong to help other people. On a personal level I like to work for companies adding real value to people and who promise what they say.

Today I hold free and non-binding consultations Oslo, London, Copenhagen, Munich, Paris with several cities, at the request of customers.

For free non-binding consultation please contact me at:

During the consultation you will see what can be achieved through a hair transplant at Hasson & Wong:

About Hasson & Wong:

"Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are among the most experienced and respected hair transplant surgeons in the world. They are pioneers responsible for some of the most advanced technology available in hair transplant surgery today. Dr. Wong introduced the" Lateral Slit Technique "and Dr. Hasson invented the custom blade cutting device, the combination of which helped revolutionize the hair transplant industry."

The clinic has among other things treated several famous celebrities around the world.

What currently scientifically works in keeping hair and getting more hair:

Minoxidil and finasteril are the drugs that inhibit hair loss and, in some cases, increase hair growth. This is scientifically tested. If hair growth is increased, it is individual. There are many different promises on the market that are said to work well for the hair. Of all I've seen, tried and that are related to science, there is very little to none that works out of hair transplant combined with finasteril.

For questions please feel free to contact the me directly for further information:


Adviser and former patient of Hasson & Wong
Thomas M. Angellsen

Wenn Sie Fragen haben oder möchten Sie mir kostenlose Beratung kontaktieren Sie bitte hier:
Thomas M.Angellsen
Advisor and former patient - Hasson&Wong
Berater und frühere Patienten - Hasson&Wong

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