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Indikator für Erliegen des Haarausfalls [Beitrag #355146] :: So., 10 Januar 2016 13:18 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
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Q: Will treatments possibly regrow what I have lost and help me to get a NW1? Did my balding stop?
A: Possible? Yes. Probable? unlikely. Once a hair follicle miniaturizes to the point where it cannot penetrate the skin anymore (bald areas), chances are the follicle is past recovery most of the time. This is especially true for mid-anterior regions of the scalp, including the hair line and temples obviously. Normally, when the triangle shaped hair above the side burns is gone, it's actually a good sign. Let me explain why. That part of the scalp is usually more resistant to androgens and tissue expression for hair loss than other vulnerable parts such as the hair line, some of the crown, and temples. So in essence, by losing that part, it's actually an indicator that most, if not all of your hair loss has already happened! Keep in mind that this not a rule, and exceptions do exist.

Hier wird behauptet, dass der vollständige Ausfall der Haare in dem dreieckförmigen Bereich über den Koteletten ein Indikator dafür sein kann, dass der Haarausfall nicht mehr weiter voranschreiten wird!

Was haltet ihr von dieser Theorie?
Konnte das jemand von euch vl. sogar selbst beobachten?

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