Startseite » Männer » Minoxidil » Minox + Emu Oil besser als Minox + Retin-A?
Minox + Emu Oil besser als Minox + Retin-A? [Beitrag #347447] :: So., 11 Oktober 2015 07:52 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen

"Using emu oil in combination with topical minoxidil would seem to be an excellent idea in combating minoxidil's side effects. Second, as mentioned in the clinical study conducted at Auburn University, emu oil is 20 times more effective as a transdermal carrier than mineral oil. If used in conjunction with topical minoxidil, emu oil is very likely to enhance the penetration of minoxidil into the follicles. This will probably be better than using Minoxidil-Retin-A treatment since emu oil will probably increase minoxidil absorption without producing the same side effects as Retin-A."

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