Startseite » Allgemein » Ernährung und NEM » Supplementierung Vitamin D
Supplementierung Vitamin D [Beitrag #151394] :: Mo., 23 Februar 2009 23:07 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
Aus der Virile Mane Diskussion. Blödsinn oder empfehlenswert? Wer supplementiert hochdosiert Vitamin D und hat damit gute Erfahrungen gemacht? Topisch schon wer probiert? 94301-virile-mane-hair-42.html

What would you recommend as the upper limits for vitamin D supplementation? Most of the articles I read suggested 2000iu as the upper limit, but then there was the odd article that stated as high as 10000iu shouldn't pose any problems.

The most recent thinking I've seen is around 4000 to 5000 during winterish months, and 2000-3000 during summer months- but it is highly dependent on how much direct sunlight you get.

I am a strong believer that the vitamin D is a potent contributor.

I am looking into the effectivess of topical vitamin D as an enhanced formula down the road, but oral vitamin D is extremely cheap and has so many more benefits besides just hair growth, it should be a strong staple anyway - especially in winter.

[Aktualisiert am: Mo., 23 Februar 2009 23:08]

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