Startseite » Männer » Allgemeines zum Thema Haarausfall » Das beste All-in-One Präparat auf dem Markt?
Das beste All-in-One Präparat auf dem Markt? [Beitrag #149705] :: Mi., 04 Februar 2009 19:20 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
Da ich mich immer für ein gutes Multi-Vitamin-Mineral-und-sonst-auch-alles-drin Präparat interessiere, bin ich auf dieses aufmerksam geworden:

Ultra Source of life - Whole life energy Enhancer
von Natur's Plus.

In Bodyforen seit Jahren hochgelobt, in anderen Foren oder ausländischen Käufermeinungen als Bestes aller Zeiten genannt und so geht es immer weiter.
Es sind auch sogenannte Bioflavonoide für Transport drin und laut den ganzen Meinungen scheint es in der Tat eine Nummer besser zu sein.
Was meint ihr und wie sieht es mit den Dosierungen aus, noch immer zu niedrig?

Pro 3 tabs:

Vitamin A (as beta carotene) 10000 I.U 200%

Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 1000 mg 1667%

Vitamin D (as ergocalciferol) 400 I.U 100%

Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) 200 I.U 667%

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 80 mcg 100%

Thiamin (vitamin B-1) (as thiamine HCl) 25 mg 1667%

Riboflavin (vitamin B-2) 25 mg 1471 %

Niacin (as niacinamide) 40 mg 200%

Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 25 mg 1250%

Folate (as folic acid) 400 mcg 100%

Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 200 mcg 3333%

Biotin 100 mcg 33%

Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate) 60 mg 600%

Calcium (as aminoate complex) 200 mg 20%

Iron (as aminoate complex, ascorbate) 18 mg 100%

Iodine (from kelp) 150 mcg 100%

Magnesium (as aminoate complex) 100 mg 25%

Zinc (as monomethionine) 15 mg 100%

Selenium (as selenomethionine aminoate complex) 25 mcg 36%

Copper (as aminoate complex) 0.5 mg 25%

Manganese (as aminoate complex) 4 mg 200%

Chromium (as polynicotinate) 20 mcg 17%

Potassium (as aminoate complex) 50 mg 1%

Whole Food PhytoAlgae Proprietary complex of spirulina (Hawaiian Spirulina platensis), Phenalgin (Cystoseira canariensis from Canary Islands) (stand. Polyphenols calc. as phlorotannins), chlorella (Bulgarian Chlorella vulgaris) (broken cell), cryptomondales (Asian), red kelp (Norwegian Palmaria palmata), brown kelp (Norwegian Laminaria digitata), ulva (Asian Ulva rigida & Ulva fasciata), red seaweed (Irish Lithothamnium calcarium), dulse (Mediterranean Rhodymenia palmata), rockweed (American Ascophyllum nodosum) 100 mg

Bee Pollen (Spanish) 100 mg

Sunflower Oil (supplying linoleic acid 54.1 mg, oleic acid 9.3 mg, palmitic acid 4.4 mg, stearic acid 2.2 mg) 70 mg

Food Fiber Complex Proprietary Fiber Blend: apple pectin, arabinogalactan, modified citrus pectin, soluble oat bran 50 mg

Black Currant Seed Oil 50 mg

Whole Food Wellness Complex Whole fruit concentrates 10X: apple, apricot, banana, camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia), cranberry, orange, peach, red raspberry, strawberry, tomato; concentrates 10X: alfalfa sprout, barley grass juice, beet greens, cabbage leaf, onion bulb, parsley leaf; concentrate 4X: celery seed; standardized extracts: papaya fruit, red grape (Vitis vinifera), broccoli floret, carrot root, garlic clove; standardized concentrate: spinach leaf 50 mg

Bromelain (from pineapple fruit) (24 gelatin digesting units) 40 mg

Choline (as bitartrate) 30 mg

Inositol 30 mg

Quercetin (from Sophora japonica leaf) 30 mg

Rutin (from Sophora japonica leaf) 25 mg

Thione Complex Proprietary Blend: glutathione, selenium (as selenomethionine), N-acetyl-cysteine and grape seed extract 25 mg

Whole Food Antioxidants Proprietary blend: milk thistle seed, Chinese green tea leaf (decaffeinated), turmeric rhizome, red wine (Vitis vinifera fruit concentrate) (alcohol free), pau d'arco bark 25 mg

Whole Food Amino Acid Complex (from spirulina and isolated pea protein) - providing complete profile of critical essential and non-essential amino acids: isoleucine, histidine, leucine, arginine, lysine, aspartic acid, methionine, serine, cysteine, glutamic acid, threonine, proline, phenylalanine, glycine, tryptophan, alanine, valine and tyrosine 25 mg

Betaine HCl (from beet molasses) 25 mg

RNA (ribonucleic acid) 21 mg

PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) 15 mg

Hesperedin (from Citrus limon exocarp) 10 mg

Whole Food Enzymes Proprietary Enzyme Complex: papain (papaya fruit), amylase (Aspergillus oryzae), lipase (A. oryzae), cellulase (A. niger), protease (A. oryzae) 10 mg

Neurosyn Ginkgo biloba leaf (std. ginkgo flavone-glycosides), ginseng (Panax) (std. ginsenosides) 10 mg

Source-70 (whole food based soluble mineral complex) 10 mg

Chlorophyll (from spirulina) 7.5 mg

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) 6 mg

Carotenoids 4 mg

Lutein (active carotenoid from marigold flower extract) 3 mg

Eriocitrin (from Citrus limon exocarp) 3 mg

Octacosanol (as citrate) 1 mg

Bioflavonoids (from Citrus limon exocarp) (active flavonols, flavonones, flavones & naringen 26 mg) 60 mg

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