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Interessante Studie zu miniaturisierten Follikeln [Beitrag #114045] :: So., 23 März 2008 13:33 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
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1: J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003 May;48(5):752-9. Links
Transplants from balding and hairy androgenetic alopecia scalp regrow hair comparably well on immunodeficient mice.Krajcik RA, Vogelman JH, Malloy VL, Orentreich N.
Orentreich Foundation for the Advancement of Science Inc, Cold Spring-on-Hudson, New York 10516, USA.

Human hair follicles were grafted onto 2 strains of immunodeficient mice to compare the regeneration potential of vellus (miniaturized, balding) and terminal (hairy, nonbalding) follicles from males and a female exhibiting pattern baldness. Each mouse had transplants of both types of follicles from a single donor for direct comparison. Grafted follicles from 2 male donors resulted in nonsignificant differences in mean length (52 mm vs 54 mm) and mean diameter (99 microm vs 93 microm) at 22 weeks for hairs originating from balding and hairy scalp, respectively, corresponding to 400% versus 62% of the mean pretransplantation diameters. Follicles from the female donor transplanted to several mice also resulted in nonsignificant differences in length (43 mm vs 37 mm) for hairs from balding and hairy scalp, respectively, during a period of 22 weeks. The mean diameter of the originally vellus hairs increased 3-fold, whereas the terminal hairs plateaued at approximately 50% of pretransplantation diameter, resulting in a final balding hair volume double that of the nonbalding hairs. This report shows that miniaturized hair follicles of pattern alopecia can quickly regenerate once removed from the human scalp and can grow as well as or better than terminal follicles from the same individual.

PMID: 12734505 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Wenn also ein vellushaar produzierender follikel wieder in der lage ist sich zu regenerieren, kann wohl dht sicher nicht die hauptursache sein.. Sonst würden medis wie dut tatsächlich wieder für vollstes haar sorgen!

Interessant finde ich auch, das sich bei mäusen der follikel wieder erholen kann. In der anschließenden diskussion wurde das immunsystem dafür verantwortlich gemacht, was ich in bezug auf aga immer häufiger lese..

[Aktualisiert am: So., 23 März 2008 13:34]

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