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Emu Öl gegen HA [Beitrag #106783] :: Sa., 26 Januar 2008 16:13 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen

ich frage mich wieso im deutschen Forum nix über Emu Öl geschrieben wird!??

Emu Oil

A product of nature dating back thousands of years to Australia where the Aborigines of the outback use it as a natural healing remedy for dermatological and inflammatory disorders. Modern day research shows that emu oil contains two exceptional active ingredients that enable it to be used as an effective topical pharmaceutical. The Linolenic acid inherently contained in the oil provides relief from sore muscles and joint pain while the Oleic acid provides a local anti-inflammatory effect. Emu Oil has been shown to be a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor that also thickens dermis and enlarges hair follicles in all known alopecia conditions, including androgenetic. Dr Holick of Boston University, found that it “awakened 80% of dormant hair follicles”. The one human study done in England showed a 48.4% hair regrowth after a once a day application for 6 months.

It has also been shown to stimulate melanogenesis providing potential for the treatment of greying hair as well as hair loss. Emu Oil penetrates the skin better than any cosmetic ingredient known to date, and this is due to its non-phosphorous composition. It can be used by itself, or with any topical hair growth or skin moisturizing compounds, enhancing their effectiveness. It is a specific for frontal regrowth.

Directions: Massage a few drops into affected areas in the PM prior to retiring. Dr. Holick used applications 3 times daily to obtain 80% hair regrowth. It can be used as a daytime hair dressing, if desired.

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