Startseite » Männer » Spannungs-Haarausfall » synchronous balding of scalp...
synchronous balding of scalp... [Beitrag #121281] :: Sa., 17 Mai 2008 10:40 Zum nächsten Beitrag gehen

bitte lesen und transferdenken bzgl AC-therapie, kopfhautrelaxer etc. anstellen..

leider funktioniert die seite bei mir nicht richtig, sodass ich nur auszüge lesen konnte.

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Re: synchronous balding of scalp... [Beitrag #121282 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #121281] :: Sa., 17 Mai 2008 10:49 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
kaya schrieb am Sam, 17 Mai 2008 10:40

bitte lesen und transferdenken bzgl AC-therapie, kopfhautrelaxer etc. anstellen..

leider funktioniert die seite bei mir nicht richtig, sodass ich nur auszüge lesen konnte.

leider umstritten...

hier mal etwas geklautes... Wink

"During the past few decades, several hypotheses concerning the etiology of male pattern baldness (MPB) have been presented. In 1933, Wadel reported findings of decreased motility of the scalp. He was convinced that this decrease was due to the fact that in MPB patients the scalp is both frontally and sagittally too short, and thus it has to be stretched like a too-small cap to cover the relatively too-big skull. For hair nutrition and rooting this persisting tension creates unbearable conditions, leading to gradual loss of hair. In 1935 he wrote that MPB is the end result of the tension atrophy of the scalp covering the galea aponeurotica. This atrophy is caused by a disproportion between the skull bone and the galea aponeurotica, due to an isolated growth of the skull bone to which the tendon-like structure of the galea is not able to adapt. He reported excellent results in the treatment of MPB with 'loosening' massage to the scalp.

"In 1941, Kessler started experimental work with frontal galeotomies in order to reduce the supposed increased tension of the galea aponeurotica. In 1961 he reported a success rate of 87% with this treatment of MPB. At that time this operation was popular in Europe. In 1963, Ponten reported that after frontal galeotomy he could not find any objective improvement in his 56 patients and he still holds this view concerning this operation (personal communication, 1976).

"The present author has seen several patients who have undergone frontal galeotomy and later developed an advanced degree of MPB. The popularity of this operation has waned."

"In the receding hairline and in the graft taken from it the loss of hairs remains synchronous even though the latter is transplanted to a remote skin area. In MPB the 'balding clock' in the follicle or in its very close surrounding keeps time even when the follicle is transplanted to the skin of the forearm. The presence or absence of the galea aponeurotica does not influence the balding process in MPB. Nor does the supposed increased tension of the scalp or its muscles or a diminished vascular supply to the scalp have an effect on balding. Neither do any other factors localized to the head cause balding. The cause seems to lie in the follicle itself or its very close surrounding. The graft taken from the denuded area did not grow new hairs, and so the MPB process of the hair follicle is not reversed by a change in its location on the human body."

Die AGA-Behandlung ist individuell, eine Sache des "Trial And Error". Fasse dich kurz und kompakt bei Fragen... das ist meine Freizeit. Es besteht auch kein Verhältnis zu ""Ich bin kein Arzt, sondern gebe hier lediglich meine private Meinung wieder; Art.5/GG. Auf Userfragen hin erläutere ich, wie ich persönlich vorgehen würde, wenn ich mich in der selben Lage befände. Bitte stets beachten: 1) Nachmachen auf eigene Gefahr und 2) Meine Vorschläge ersetzen keinen Arztbesuch!""

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Re: synchronous balding of scalp... [Beitrag #121287 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #121282] :: Sa., 17 Mai 2008 11:52 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
ja das ist doch genau was ich meine. es zeigt doch im prinzip, dass mangelnde durchblutung oder verspannung nichts mit AGA zu tun hat

kleiner verweis: 4

[Aktualisiert am: Sa., 17 Mai 2008 11:57]

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