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49 Suchergebnisse gefunden
1 Forum: Allgemeines zum Thema Haarausfall «» Erstellt am: Do., 06 März 2008 22:18 «» Von: ParkerLewis
Re: Demodex-Die Milben in der Kopfhaut
…different signs of demodex activity. This is not a complete list, rather it contains some of the most common cases. One of the most obvious signs of the condition is a itching, crawling sensation on the face or (and) in the scalp, but most of the time…
2 Forum: Haare und Haarausfall «» Erstellt am: Sa., 02 Februar 2008 11:07 «» Von: JacksonSim
( Hair Loss ) Secret Techniques Hollywood Actors use to NATURALLY Re-grow Lost Hair
…genetic. The reason most of you reading this are losing hair is because your hair follicles are trapped and blocked off from vital blood supplies that are needed to nourish their development. Your hair is literally being starved to death. Solve that …
3 Forum: Off topic allgemein «» Erstellt am: So., 23 Dezember 2007 11:18 «» Von: Camaro84
YouTube - Patrick Stewart - Baldness
This is a video that every man dealing with hair loss should watch: Patrick Stewart reveals all on the subject of baldness, particularly how it has affected his future and relationships.
4 Forum: Minoxidil «» Erstellt am: Mi., 16 Mai 2007 12:11 «» Von: H_U_82
Re: shedding info englisch
…is not actually "losing hair". This is one of the most common misconceptions in the world of hair loss. Shedding is in fact just the transition of follicles from growth phase to resting phase. They don't fall out and die, never to return. They …
5 Forum: Minoxidil «» Erstellt am: Mi., 16 Mai 2007 11:05 «» Von: H_U_82
…is not actually "losing hair". This is one of the most common misconceptions in the world of hair loss. Shedding is in fact just the transition of follicles from growth phase to resting phase. They don't fall out and die, never to return. They …
6 Forum: Off topic allgemein «» Erstellt am: Do., 14 September 2006 21:35 «» Von: tristan
Re: Rasieren und rötungen/wunden
…in-care products. One major downside to all this is now men have about the same opportunity to waste their money on unnecessary or problematic skin-care products as women do. But in many ways men have it even harder differentiating between reliable and …
7 Forum: Off topic allgemein «» Erstellt am: Sa., 15 April 2006 17:49 «» Von: pilos
Re: unnatürlich DICHT......
…told Vanity Fair last year that his hair was all his, it just looked fake. l…
8 Forum: Sonstige Produkte bei Haarausfall «» Erstellt am: Di., 03 Januar 2006 19:38 «» Von: zagq
Waseda Regimen bei
… of Chinese medicine have led me to make this decision. As I've stated before, I never intended to get into making, promoting, or selling experimental natural remedies for hair loss or Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). My involvement in Waseda's …
9 Forum: Allgemeines zum Thema Haarausfall «» Erstellt am: Mi., 30 November 2005 00:47 «» Von: tristan
Re: oh oh...
…increase magnesium retention, although this only takes place following long-term oral supplementation, while regular Vitamin B6 injections will quickly result in a high magnesium / low calcium ratio. If not matched to a patient's requirements, which …
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