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Intercytex Report von heute zu HairMultiplication [Beitrag #92304] :: Di., 25 September 2007 12:51 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen

viele haben drauf gewartet. Die Ergebnisse sind da. Wie zu erwarten: nichts überaus positives!

Wer damit rechnet, dass das schnell was wird, kann wohl noch einige Zeit warten. Das wird nix so schnell! Wink 2007-09-25.pdf 25/2007-09-25.pdf

"Although it is too early to determine fully the differences between the sub-groups, the preliminary data are encouraging. In the first sub-group 2 patients out of 5 showed substantial increases in hair count (21 & 55%) at 24 weeks. In the second sub-group (5 patients in total) injected more recently,
all patients showed substantial and visible increased hair counts at 6 and/or 12 weeks (13-105%). We believe this increased hair production is attributable to the interaction between the injected DP cells and the stimulated resident hair producing cells. A further 8 subjects will be treated with variations in delivery technique. The full data set on all subjects at 24 weeks will be available in the middle of 2008. This detailed analysis will form the
basis of further Phase II or Phase III trials as appropriate.
At the end of the trial photographic data will be analysed from a much larger area of treated scalp on all subjects at 12 months. Currently 2 patients have been lost to follow up."

[Aktualisiert am: Di., 25 September 2007 17:09]

5000 FUE Dr. Armani, Dubai (02.2008)
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