Startseite » Forschung » Studien Minoxidil » Minoxidil, VEGF und Hemmung des Hypoxie-induzierten Faktors
Minoxidil, VEGF und Hemmung des Hypoxie-induzierten Faktors [Beitrag #406359] :: Di., 27 Februar 2018 15:25 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen

"Given that oral minoxidil, which cannot achieve a millimolar level of minoxidil in the scalp skin, and topical diazoxide (3%) are able to promote hair growth [5,42], it is not clear, for now, how much the cellular effects by millimolar minoxidil contribute to topical minoxidil-mediated hair growth. Further investigation is needed to clarify the pharmacological role of the cellular effects in hair growth.

Collectively, minoxidil topically applied to the scalp may activate an angiogenic pathway HIF-1-VEGF, a potential positive pharmacologic effect for hair growth, by inhibiting PHD."

REGIME :: RU-58841 90mg :: Finasterid oral 2mg/W. :: Minoxidil topisch 4%, 2ml .. oral 3mg :: Ket-Criniton 2,5ml, bBed :: [Formestan topisch 12mg]
NEM :: Zink-Bisgl. 25mg :: Vitamin D3 1.000 I.E. (Winter)

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