Startseite » Männer » Allgemeines zum Thema Haarausfall » Ultimate Guide to Hair Regeneration 2016 (Umfangreiche Übersicht aller (potentiell) zukünftigen Behandlungsmethoden)
icon1.gif   Ultimate Guide to Hair Regeneration 2016 [Beitrag #364431] :: So., 15 Mai 2016 23:33 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
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This post contains a list of the most viable and relevant hair regeneration treatments that are known of. In this list you will find treatments which are still being developed and some which are currently available to the public. Certain treatments have a greater potential than others to grow significant amounts of hair, and so I have listed them in order of relevancy. Relevancy in this case is my opinion of the treatment's combined efficiency and likelihood of becoming available the soonest. #1 is the most relevant and so on.


Dann hoffen wir, dass zumindest eine davon uns von unseren Qualen erlösen wird... idealerweise in den nächsten paar Jahren und nicht erst 2050.

How can I control my life when I can't control my hair?

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