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icon4.gif   Ein paar Leinsamen bzw. SDG Infos [Beitrag #1898] :: Do., 01 Dezember 2005 12:30 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen

Not all flax ingredients are created equal when it comes to lignan content. According to the Flax Council of Canada, flaxseed contains between 0.7 and 1.9 percent SDG (the main lignan in flaxseed), making it one of the most potent forms of lignans. The lignans are concentrated in the fibrous hulls of flaxseed, so processing can remove them. If you purchase whole flaxseeds, you’ll want to grind them up for best results.

Ideas for incorporating flaxseeds into your diet:
* Sprinkle one to two tablespoons of ground flaxseed in your smoothie or breakfast cereal
* Mix some into your yogurt
* Bake ground flaxseeds into healthy breads or muffins

Das heisst das ein normal gehäufter Esslöffel nach meinen Berechnungen mindestens 50mg SDG enthält,
aber auch 135mg SDG enthalten kann (0,7-1,9%SDG)! SDG=ecoisolariciresinol diglucoside

Wer es genau messen will 10Mililiter Leinsamen
entsprechen 50mg-135mg SDG! (ca. 1EL)

Im Handel (Hobbythek) gibt es 2,5ml Messlöffel

In der bekannten Studie bezüglich Leinsamen/Haarausfall wurde den Teilnehmern täglich 1x250MG Kapsel LinumLifeExtra
verabreicht, was 50mg SDG entspricht!

Mind. 50mg und max. 150mg werden als Ergänzung empfohlen bei
verschiedenen Symptomen empfohlen.

Denke man muss sich nicht unbedingt jeden Tag 2 volle Esslöffel reinwürgen,
vielleicht reicht auch jeden zweiten Tag 2 EL oder jeden Tag 1 EL.

Die günstigste Quelle in Kapselform (SDG/Dollar)
Jarrow = Flax Essence
60 Kapseln mit 40MG SDG für ca. 10-11Dollar

Problem: Gibts natürlich nur in den USA
------------------------------------------------------------ bzw.
LinumLife EXTRA is a recent product extension of the LinumLife range. With a 20% lignan concentration, LinumLife EXTRA is the richest standardized lignan extract in the market.
LinumLife EXTRA is virtually fat-free and has a good oxidative stability.
A dosage of 250 mg of LinumLife EXTRA provides 50 mg lignans. This ingredients offers the convenience for one-per-day lignan capsules or tablets. The extract also provides the possibility to enrich flax oil with lignans, or to develop cosmetics rich in lignans.

Link zur Studie hive=12&num=1767

Ein paar andere Infos

To inhibit DHT, you HAVE to find a type that is high in "SDG" (secoisolariciresinol diglucoside)! This is the "good stuff", and the right kinds of lignan extract have a much higher concentration of what you need... about 10-30 times more according to my bottle. This basically means that normal, run-of-mill flax seed supplements probably won't do that much for hair loss unless you consume massive quantities. Think about the very annoying "Total" cereal commercials when the waiter keeps bringing more and more bowls of cereal to people trying to get all of their vitamins!

The bottles of what you need will read something like "flaxseed extract standardized at 20% SDG", or on the bottle I have, "High Lignan Hull Extract (LinumLife) 20%". "Linumlife" is the trademark term for a concentrated lignan extract product.

The conversion FROM testosterone to DHT is driven by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, which is produced in the prostate, various adrenal glands, and the scalp. Over time, the action of DHT causes the hair follicle to degrade and shorten the anagen phase. In a similar way DHT can bind to prostate tissue causing irregular growth, and in latter years BPH or prostate cancer.

The goods news is that there are now very new, natural products derived from concentrated flax seed lignans (from the hull of the seed) which might help combat DHT. In scientific studies, lignans FROM flax are reported to have an influence on testosterone metabolism through three mechanisms:

1) The inhibition of 5-alpha reductase:

The 5a-reductase enzyme converts testosterone INTO dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Lignans inhibits 5a-reductase by selectively and irreversibly binding with 5a-reductase, and thereby block conversion of testosterone to DHT. Enterolactone is found to inhibit 5a-reductase up to 80%(1).

2) The inhibition of aromatase:

Lignans inhibit aromatase, a cytochrome P450 enzyme(2). Aromatase is responsible for the alternative conversion of testosterone to 17ß-estradiol.

3) The inhibition of 17ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.

17ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17ß-OHSD) is another steroid-metabolizing enzyme present in tissue. 17ß-OHSD converts testosterone to androstenedione and estrogens. Lignans demonstrate to be potent inhibitors of 17ß-OHSD.

In addition to these regulating effects on the metabolism of testosterone, SDG, Enterolactone and Enterodiol, Flax Lignans are potent antioxidants. They scavenge reactive oxygen species, like O2-, H2O2, -OH.

[Aktualisiert am: Do., 01 Dezember 2005 12:43]

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