Startseite » Männer » Finasterid / Dutasterid » Fin so besser verträglich bzw. nw-ärmer!?
Fin so besser verträglich bzw. nw-ärmer!? [Beitrag #123968] :: Mi., 04 Juni 2008 14:22 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen

was haltet ihr davon? Kann man so wirklich die Fin-Nebenwirkungen (größtenteils) "blocken"?
Wäre ja auch für die topische Anwendung interessant...

Auf jeden Fall liest man solche Posts immer öfter, es gibt scheinbar immer mehr Fin-user, die nicht einfach nur Fin nehmen, sondern gleichzeitig versuchen, ihre Hormone einigermaßen in Balance zu halten...


My sex drive is great and my hair is looking a little better, less sheds and a little thicker. Here's what my 3 years of research and experience has proved after reading all the dickless horror stories.

1) You can get great results on 1 pill every other day, some say 1/2 mg e.o.d. It takes your body up to 2-3 days to produce enough AR enzyme
to cause more dht problems - Merck doesn't tell you this because they don't want to cut their sales in half or 1/4 - but by taking every other day and less dosage, your body will balance it's hormonal axis a lot easier. Most guys have been overdosing on finasteride in hopes of growing more hair. The initial drug Finasteride was only supposed to be taken 3x per week for prostate enlargement.

2) You NEED to take a zinc supplement/vitamin b6 to prevent your now higher levels of testosterone from aromatising into estrogen/dht. Zinc/b6 are deficcient in most active males. Zinc is prevelant in semen so the more you squirt - the more zinc your body needs.

3) Take green tea extract which is a great hormone balancer and also consider using progesterone cream which is beginning to be recognized in the medical community for reversing estrogen dominance in men.

Do some research but make sure you take the daily recommended zinc supplements and only take propecia every other day - don't over due it!

Good Luck!


Estrogen is stored in body fat - so the less fat a man has, the less likely he will store estrogen. Estrogen is also broken down and metabolized by the liver. If people eat a lot of fatty foods, don't exercise and drink excessive alcohol while on propecia, hello bitch tits.

If people are taking propecia and not addressing the body breaking down testosterone into estrogen, then they will def have side effects.

Since taking propecia every other day - I have been working out, taking zinc/b6, green tea and progesterone cream - which makes me want to bang anything in sight. My chest is still hard, no gyno.

Since doctors don't bother or care - guys have to take the extra step.

Ist eine zusätzliche kombinierte Anwendung von Zink/B6, Progesteron-Creme und GTE wirklich so der Knaller? Gibt es diesbzgl. hier auch Erfahrungswerte?

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