Long-term (10-year) efficacy of finasteride in 523 Japanese men with androgenetic alopecia [Beitrag #449308] :: Wed, 20 May 2020 23:35
Die zweite (mir bekannte) 10-Jahres-Studie zu Finasterid, erschienen 2019.
Link zur ersten von 2011
Long-term (10-year) efficacy of finasteride in 523 Japanese men with androgenetic alopecia
Finasteride is a standard medical treatment for androgenetic alopecia; however, no long-term study of up to 10 years has been performed in Japan. Therefore, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of 1 mg/day finasteride in 532 Japanese men who were treated for androgenetic alopecia for 10 years. We performed subjective evaluations, using questionnaires administered to patients, in addition to the objective evaluation by doctors. The efficacy was assessed using the Norwood-Hamilton scale and modified global photographic assessment score, the standardized 7-point rating score using scalp photographs. For the Norwood-Hamilton classifications, stages IIa and IIv were combined as II, IIIa and IIIv were combined as III, IVa was combined as IV, and Va was combined as V. The proportions of patients with improvement (score ≥ 5) and prevention of disease progression (score ≥ 4) were 91.5% and 99.1%, respectively. The Norwood-Hamilton classification grading improved by approximately 1 grade from 3.35 ± 1.11 to 2.55 ± 1.30 after the 10-year treatment. The groups that showed Norwood-Hamilton: I/II/III and IV/V/VI/VII at the first visit showed statistically significant differences in the modified global photographic assessment score at the 10-year treatment subjective evaluation (6.27 ± 0.62 vs 5.52 ± 0.78, P<0.001). Furthermore, the quantitative analysis of the objective evaluation using the questionnaire was also significantly different (P<0.001). During the study period, no serious adverse reaction was recognized. Long-term (10-year) treatment with 1 mg/day finasteride in Japanese men with androgenetic alopecia showed high efficacy in subjective and objective evaluations.
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[Aktualisiert am: Thu, 21 May 2020 06:56]
"Der Plural von 'Anekdote' ist nicht 'Evidenz'."
- Alan I. Leshner
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Aw: Long-term (10-year) efficacy of finasteride in 523 Japanese men with androgenetic alopecia [Beitrag #449317 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #449316] :: Thu, 21 May 2020 11:52
Beiträge: 27153 Registriert: November 2005 Ort: Ausland
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PaulBerg schrieb am Thu, 21 May 2020 12:49danke. Interessant zu lesen.
Nebenwirkungen wie erektile Dysfunction kamen wohl aber auch zu 3% vor. Wenn ich das richtig verstehe ist, ist dieser wert jedoch geringer als der durchschnittswert für asiaten ab 40 ?
bei corona gibt es auch nur 0,3% tote
macht aber 240.000
Die AGA-Behandlung ist individuell, eine Sache des "Trial And Error". Fasse dich kurz und kompakt bei Fragen... das ist meine Freizeit. Es besteht auch kein Verhältnis zu alopezie.de. ""Ich bin kein Arzt, sondern gebe hier lediglich meine private Meinung wieder; Art.5/GG. Auf Userfragen hin erläutere ich, wie ich persönlich vorgehen würde, wenn ich mich in der selben Lage befände. Bitte stets beachten: 1) Nachmachen auf eigene Gefahr und 2) Meine Vorschläge ersetzen keinen Arztbesuch!""
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