Intoleranz1 Beiträge: 1705 Registriert: September 2013
Reputation: 33
Power Member ***
Was haltet ihr davon? Das Thema wird anscheinend langsam immer mehr präsent, jedenfalls lese ich seit Monaten immer wieder davon.
Meiner Meinung nach hört es sich recht schlüssig an.
Über Blutwerte scheint man es leider nicht testen zu können, außer vielleicht durch ein Zink / Kupfer / Ceruloplasmin (kupfertransport Protein) Verhältnis.
"Copper builds up first in the liver and disrupts the liver's ability to detoxify the blood in general. This Copper toxicity in the liver therefore disrupts the Liver's ability to detoxify excess estrogen and other toxic heavy metals from the body by blocking Zinc in the binding sites of metallothionein and other Zinc dependent Liver enzymes needed to make Glutathione ."
"Copper Toxicity is a condition that is increasingly common in this day and age, due to the widespread occurrence of copper in our food, our hot water pipes, along with the common nutritional deficiencies in Zinc, Manganese and other trace minerals that keep levels of Copper from getting too high."