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Minoxidil Powder? [Beitrag #407456] :: So., 18 März 2018 02:24 Zum nächsten Beitrag gehen

I would like to know if some of you guys are making their own minoxidil lotion?

My plan would be to make a lotion with minoxidil and RU, in KB solution.

Do you think it could be good?

Also can you find minoxidil powder in apotheke in Germany?

Vielen Dank!

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Aw: Minoxidil Powder? [Beitrag #407457 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #407456] :: So., 18 März 2018 09:17 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
bibiphoque schrieb am Sun, 18 March 2018 02:24

I would like to know if some of you guys are making their own minoxidil lotion?

My plan would be to make a lotion with minoxidil and RU, in KB solution.

Do you think it could be good?

Also can you find minoxidil powder in apotheke in Germany?

Vielen Dank!

I bought minox-powder from an ebay-shop in the UK, but currently they do not offer minox.

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Aw: Minoxidil Powder? [Beitrag #407459 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #407456] :: So., 18 März 2018 11:41 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
In any german pharmacy it will be possible to order an individualized mixture with minoxidil. Excluding RU, I'm afraid.
There are instructions like given in the Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung that any pharmaceutical technical assistant (PTA) ought to know.

You can buy minoxidil powder here:


REGIME :: RU-58841 90mg :: Finasterid oral 2mg/W. :: Minoxidil topisch 4%, 2ml .. oral 3mg :: Ket-Criniton 2,5ml, bBed :: [Formestan topisch 12mg]
NEM :: Zink-Bisgl. 25mg :: Vitamin D3 1.000 I.E. (Winter)

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Aw: Minoxidil Powder? [Beitrag #407460 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #407459] :: So., 18 März 2018 11:47 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
xWannes schrieb am Sun, 18 March 2018 11:41
In any german pharmacy it will be possible to order an individualized mixture with minoxidil. Excluding RU, I'm afraid.
There are instructions like given in the Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung that any pharmaceutical technical assistant (PTA) ought to know.

You can buy minoxidil powder here:


Oh the issue is that I would like to use RU in KB, but at the same time than minoxidil. So I would need minoxidil powder. Kane delivers to germany?

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Aw: Minoxidil Powder? [Beitrag #407466 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #407460] :: So., 18 März 2018 12:27 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Our member "Jürgen87" reports that there haven't been any problems with this shop, at least recently not, and he had ordered there for many years. The products of this main supplier for Europe had been indepently tested, our guru "pilos" would have more info on that. Thekaneshop would be under a lot of pressure to supply good stuff because of their already dubious reputation.

REGIME :: RU-58841 90mg :: Finasterid oral 2mg/W. :: Minoxidil topisch 4%, 2ml .. oral 3mg :: Ket-Criniton 2,5ml, bBed :: [Formestan topisch 12mg]
NEM :: Zink-Bisgl. 25mg :: Vitamin D3 1.000 I.E. (Winter)

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Aw: Minoxidil Powder? [Beitrag #407468 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #407456] :: So., 18 März 2018 13:55 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
bibiphoque schrieb am Sun, 18 March 2018 03:24

My plan would be to make a lotion with minoxidil and RU, in KB solution.

5% minoxidil not soluble

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