Startseite » Forschung » Andere Ansätze/Produkte » Adenosine stimulates growth of dermal papilla and lengthens the anagen phase
icon1.gif   Adenosine stimulates growth of dermal papilla and lengthens the anagen phase [Beitrag #213744] :: Di., 25 Oktober 2011 12:37 Zum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Hehe, das hatten wir vor zig Jahren auch schon diskutiert...

Adenosine stimulates growth of dermal papilla and lengthens the anagen phase by increasing the cysteine level via fibroblast growth factors 2 and 7 in an organ culture of mouse vibrissae hair follicles.
Hwang KA, Hwang YL, Lee MH, Kim NR, Roh SS, Lee Y, Kim CD, Lee JH, Choi KC.

Laboratory of Veterinary Biochemistry and Immunology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Chungbuk, Republic of Korea.

Hair regression and balding are distressing concerns for an increasing number of people due to changes in lifestyle and serious nutritional imbalances. Therapies for treatment of hair loss are needed. Among potential therapeutics, adenosine has been suggested as a potent regulator of hair growth. In this study, we investigated the effects of adenosine on hair follicles and dermal papilla (DP) cells, and the mechanism underlying the action of adenosine. Hair follicles are organs, including DP cells, that are responsible for the production of hair fibers by inducing and maintaining the hair growth phase (anagen). In a culture of DP cells in vitro, adenosine stimulated proliferation of DP cells by increasing thymidine uptake. Subsequently, adenosine activated and elongated the anagen phase by increasing the uptake of radiolabeled cysteine in an organ culture of mouse vibrissae hair follicles. We also confirmed that adenosine promoted the expression of several growth factors that are responsible for hair growth, including fibroblast growth factors (FGF)-7, FGF-2, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in a cDNA microarray with semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Transcriptional activation of β-catenin in DP cells was increased by adenosine in a luciferase assay. β-catenin is a co-activator of Wnt/β-catenin signaling that induces morphogenesis and differentiation of hair follicles and also acts to transactivate downstream signaling pathways, including the ERK pathway. Using Western blotting, we found that adenosine stimulated phosphorylation of ERK, CREB and AKT. These results suggest that adenosine stimulates growth of hair follicles by triggering the expression of growth factors and β-catenin, and by inducing their downstream target signaling pathways.

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Aw: Adenosine stimulates growth of dermal papilla and lengthens the anagen phase [Beitrag #213764 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #213744] :: Di., 25 Oktober 2011 18:39 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
kkoo schrieb am Tue, 25 October 2011 13:37
Hehe, das hatten wir vor zig Jahren auch schon diskutiert...

Adenosine stimulates growth of dermal papilla and lengthens the anagen phase by increasing the cysteine level via fibroblast growth factors 2 and 7 in an organ culture of mouse vibrissae hair follicles.
Hwang KA, Hwang YL, Lee MH, Kim NR, Roh SS, Lee Y, Kim CD, Lee JH, Choi KC.

und nix gebracht..wie BAP-6 auch...

Die AGA-Behandlung ist individuell, eine Sache des "Trial And Error". Fasse dich kurz und kompakt bei Fragen... das ist meine Freizeit. Es besteht auch kein Verhältnis zu ""Ich bin kein Arzt, sondern gebe hier lediglich meine private Meinung wieder; Art.5/GG. Auf Userfragen hin erläutere ich, wie ich persönlich vorgehen würde, wenn ich mich in der selben Lage befände. Bitte stets beachten: 1) Nachmachen auf eigene Gefahr und 2) Meine Vorschläge ersetzen keinen Arztbesuch!""

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