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Hair loss/thinning [Beitrag #179067] :: So., 28 Februar 2010 02:56 Zum nächsten Beitrag gehen
I am really looking for some advice because I'm starting to feel lost in those whole alopecia battle.
Short about me: 25 yrs old / female / first noticed thinning of my hair in beginning of May 2009
I first thought it was because I had colored my hair, and it was just those strands that didnt take the color but this bald spot didnt seem to go away as the died hair color faded from my hair. My house doctor told me to stress less, and said it was not a big deal. But it only got worse. I looked then for a dermatologist who specializes in hair loss (instead of hair removal...which was a lot harder then it at first seemed Confused )
I had my first appointment with her in December of 2009 only. She told me I was too young for hair loss and said she wanted to find the cause and not just treat the symptoms.
Blood test set number 1: hormones, iron, ferritin, red and white blood cell count, thyroid, etc.
2nd appointment follow up: hormones fine, iron & ferritin fine, red blood cell count a bit low, white blood count (lymphozytes) a bit too high
She tells me it looks like anemia but it is not - iron/ferritin is fine.
Blood specialist appt: Everything fine - Your hairloss does not appear to be blood related
Back at the dermatologist: I tell her my hair is thinning at the root, almost see through and thick at the ends. She examines my entire body for skin abnormalities but cant find anything.
Blood tests set number 2: ANA, ANCA, TPHA (Lupus / auto-immune diseases)
All are non reactive, except for ANA (which is above the norm for most people with an auto-immune disease) which is border line Positive.
I have a new appointment with the dermatologist on Monday. But over the phone she already told me my results are fine.
My hair appears to be thinning (root area is practically see through) and coming out in large amounts only when i wash my hair. Has any one experienced this?
The dermatologist put me on Rogaine (Regaine 5%) i havent noticed much of a difference in the positive sense. Since my hair thinning was mainly in the front of my head i started wearing my hair to the sides. But now especially those places where i part my hair, are becoming larger, and the hair is thinning even more there.
On Monday i will go through my medical history with her from day 1, to see if there is anything we missed. Now are there any other tests she didnt think of, that could be done to find a cause? or is it really possible to experience hair loss/thinning at this age without a medical reason, since non of my family members have experienced this?
Is there any other kind of doctor besides a general practitioner (or house doctor) or dermatologist that i could see regarding hair loss?
At this stage of sheer frustration, every time i look in the mirror is see less of my hair and more of my scalp, i dont want to get told its an issue i must learn to live with.
Any words of wisdom, or tricks on how to make yourself feel better about this Smile are highly appreciated

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Aw: Hair loss/thinning [Beitrag #179926 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #179067] :: Fr., 12 März 2010 18:25 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
im no speciaöist in these matters. But I have done quite a few tests like these to, all was fine and since im male I unfortunately definitely have male pattern baldness.

However, since blood and hormones were tested, all seems to be okay there. having male pattern baldness as a 25 year old female definitely can´t be, there must be something else to it.

Have you tested your body for heavy metalls? to much heavy metalls(especially arsen, cadmium, lead and quicksilver) can also cause thinning hair and hair loss, this quite often comes from eating to much fish, but this must not be. Since heavy metalls can also come from other things(they can also be in meat or even in fruit or vegetables, that is because our earth and water is polluted with chemicals and also heavy metalls. Especially in regoins like asia, india and afrika you will find higher contents of heavy metalls in some food).

If thats okay, have u tested your thyroid? thyroid diseases nearly almost always result in hair loss.

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wegen eisenanämie eisen-2-glycin sulphat 1x sonnenstudio und bifonazol creme gegen hefepilz

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Aw: Hair loss/thinning [Beitrag #179974 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #179067] :: Sa., 13 März 2010 14:27 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Hello NinjaGirl!

You very well could have been worse off - just imagine you were a NinjaTurle, instead of a NinjaGirl! Now this would be really scary, wouldn't it? (Now feel better?) Very Happy

Ok, now, I wonder why you express yourself in English, when you are located in Vienna? I mean.. Vienna isn't that far off, language-wise (hello from Germany!). Neither is it distance-wise!

But, if you really, really prefere English, why not visit something like.. say, ?


I am the victim of lying morality
and so, I am beyond caring

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Aw: Hair loss/thinning [Beitrag #180624 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #179926] :: Di., 23 März 2010 22:39 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Dear HirschGeweih

Many thanks for your reply Smile

I have been tested for my thyroid already by my dermatologist, and it came back negative. This is was one of the first things that was to be examined. The results dont surprise me though, since I have already been tested for hyperthyroidism a countless amount of times.
The testing of heavy metals is an excellent idea - many thanks for putting me on that train of thought. I am supposed to receive a call from my dermatologist in the next few days, and i will ask her right away.
Since I posted my message my dermatologist has taken me to see another dermatologist who specializes in Trichograms. He ripped some of my hair out and immediately examined it. He said there is physically nothing wrong with my hair (which i find strange since its almost see through at the root but thick at the bottom)
He prescribed me some miracle spray, with a number of ingredients. One of them again is Minoxidil 5%. I read off the rezept from the Apotheke that one of the other ingredients is Cortisone. He said my hairloss is moderate Alopezie and left it at that.

I do have Gastritis, for many years already but my dermatologist said it is unlikely to be from that.
One thing i think i could still get tested for is rheumatoid arthritis, since this runs in the family.
I would like to get a second opinion after my Trichogram came back negative and both dermatologists now seem to be at their end of helping me.
Any advice on how to 'pick' another doctor? Or if i should stick to dermatologists diagnosing these kinds of things?

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Aw: Hair loss/thinning [Beitrag #180628 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #180624] :: Di., 23 März 2010 23:05 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Hello Villain,

You are right! Vienna isn't that far away from Germany (hello Germany Smug )
And language wise it isn't quite that far off either (as you put it) Both countries do speak German don't they?

Now thanks for wondering why I asked my question in English. This forum has an English section, for us English speaking folk. And yes even we, end up living in these countries sometimes where people tend to communicate in German. So it was very considerate of the forum operator to put this section in, for us outsiders.

Whilst I appreciate, that you've posted a link for me, and in English at that (Goodbye Germany?) let me tell you why I have posted my 'problem' in a German forum...

In the Germanic speaking realm there are different treatments and norms as opposed to treatments in the US for example. So it is very clear, I am here to discuss my treatment. I am here to hopefully hear some new insights. And maybe even get a doctor or clinic recommendation. Now I assume that you would agree, that a doctors recommendation from a US forum wouldn't be of much help now would it?

Now that I have answered your question. Let me tell you that I do speak German but some times (and yes this will happen if you live abroad) it is easier to speak of medical ailments in a language you can express yourself better in.

So thanks for your concerns - but please next time feel free to be a bit considerate and actually comment on the content of my post if anything at all.

No hard feelings though Villain - but do tell me, why in a mostly German speaking forum did you choose an English name?

My hairloss gives me lots of worries, but I do want to say thanks because your comment did make smile and forget about those worries for just few minutes Wink

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Aw: Hair loss/thinning [Beitrag #180632 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #179067] :: Mi., 24 März 2010 00:32 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Since the thyroid seems to be okay we can exclude that one. Still leaves the heavy metalls as a possibility. And before i forget it, hair loss sometimes also can be related to allergic reactions. We even had 1 such case in the forum, where someone had diffuse hair loss and long time couldnt find the reason for it, also did a lot of test were all seemed to be fine. Then later one of the doctors told him he was allergic. It apeared that he was allergic to his cat and a few other things, the allergic reaction caused small inflammations around the follikels, which resulted in hair loss. Unfortunately he had to give his cat away, however his hair got better after that again. So if its not heavy metals it might as well be a allergic reaction to something. Last but not least u said u have some kind of bald spot? This could then also be related to alopecia areata.

[Aktualisiert am: Mi., 24 März 2010 15:51]

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Aw: Hair loss/thinning [Beitrag #180645 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #180628] :: Mi., 24 März 2010 11:08 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen

Well, I have learned to value those american boards; most of the knowledge on the particular subject of AGA I have gathered from them (or on the behalf of).
Of course, it is highly unlikely that someone on there will point you to a valuable doctor near your location, but maybe supply you with useful hints on what to look for in your case. More people may know more things. And those boards are bigger than this one, at least the big ones. :D
Let alone the fact that (apparently) here there are only few people with the capability (or will) to express themselves in English.

Unfortunately, I have never heard of any good doctor especially useful in the field of AGA (and more so in the case of female pattern); either you are a lucky one and the standard medication works on you, or you are of bad luck.. and have to cure yourself.

Now, once I have read that women lose their hair due to a lack of estrone (estrone production) in their scapls. You can read it here: Androgenetic+Alopecia+really+exist+or%E2%80%A6+Low+Local+Est rone+Ipotrichia

I suppose you also read on here (but I do not mind asking):

So.. good fight (I mean good luck), NinjaGirl!

I am the victim of lying morality
and so, I am beyond caring

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Aw: Hair loss/thinning [Beitrag #180658 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #179067] :: Mi., 24 März 2010 16:15 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Interesting, so youre saying estrone(E3) is like DHT a major reason for hair loss? Never heard of something like that before.

From the female hormones, estrogene(E1), estradoil(E2) und estrone(E3), estrone is actually the female hormone with the lowest aromatase activity. Meaning estrone´s feminizing abilities are the weakest of the 3 main female hormones. Estradoil which has the strongest activity in feminizing is several times potenter in feminizing the body then estrone. Estrone is also considered very safe for mens usage because of this, since its aromatase activity is very low. I have never heard of any relationship between estrone and hair loss, although I googled it. What I know about estrone, is that is really appears to have a very strong effect on the collagen synthesis. Estrone ist actually thought to be the hormone, which makes womens skin so clean and tender. Studies on this have shown, that estrone topicaly strongly increases the collagen synthesis, which results in wrinkles beeing reduced and dry skin beeing moistened. There are cremes which contain estrone, those are however vaginal cremes to treat a dry vagina which especially appears in higher ages. However because of its effects on collagen synthesis, several people tried a estrone vaginal creme for wrinkles or dry skin in the face. The people who tested it nearly all said that it remarbably reduced wrinkles and dry skin and that theyre skin was more silky and smooth after using it. Also some men used it for the same beneficials with 0 feminizing side effects. Since estrone has very low aromatase activity and is used topical here it would really wonder me if any feminizing side effects would occur, estrone is to mild for that. The only thing which bothered some people was the idea of putting vaginal creme on the face lol. However for dry skin and wrinkles it really appears to be very effective. However heard of none such stories related to hair.

If thats the case, one could actually try to apply vaginal creme containing estrone to the bald areas, i dont think the ingredients of a creme will do any harm to the hair.

kein minox mehr aufgrund von hefepilz
Fincar - 1 X 1,25mg
Zink-Chelat 2x 50mg
Beta Sitosterol 2x 375mg
Ket 2% - 1x am tag
wegen eisenanämie eisen-2-glycin sulphat 1x sonnenstudio und bifonazol creme gegen hefepilz

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Aw: Hair loss/thinning [Beitrag #213032 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #179067] :: Do., 13 Oktober 2011 06:43 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Natural alternatives is a great option in dealing with male pattern baldness or balding problems. Most common natural methods in preventing baldness include the following:

• Oral zinc supplements
• Saw palmetto
• Pumpkin seeds
• Jojoba
• Aloe Vera
• Henna
• Polysorbate-80
• Detoxification

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Aw: Hair loss/thinning [Beitrag #213034 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #213032] :: Do., 13 Oktober 2011 07:25 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Good morning,

your profile shows that you're a professional participant.

Please look at the Forum Rules and you will find the conditions for "commercial participants". First of all you have to create a signature with all contact-dates etc., for example as my own signature.

Also we have a separate forum for "Hair Transplantation" on this board ->

You have the opportunity to present your work and the clinic at this category:

Greetings from Mona

(moderation team

Viele Grüße,


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Aw: Hair loss/thinning [Beitrag #213036 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #213034] :: Do., 13 Oktober 2011 08:09 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
Shortly in addition and for better understanding:

Promotion for a business is not allowed on the "public discussion area" of this forum. At other areas of this website/board it is not for free. If you are interested in advertising, please contact to get the conditions and the advertising costs.

Greetings from Mona

Viele Grüße,


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