Startseite » Forschung » Haarmultiplikation » A&G Hair Complex ( 2 )  () 1 Bewertung
Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #157964 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Fr., 08 Mai 2009 14:45 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Vielleicht ist es auch noch etwas zu früh. Wartet doch noch ein paar Wochen ab bevor ihr das Zeug endgültig begrabt!
Sehr viele positive Berichte gibt es zwar nicht aber Minox braucht auch 4-5 Monate bis man eine Besserung zum Status vor der Anwendung sieht!

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #157968 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Fr., 08 Mai 2009 15:10 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Hört sich vielversprechend an, der userbericht!

Was ich mich frage, ist, bei dieser Zellverjüngung, wie funktioniert das?

In Zellen ist der Zelltod von Geburt an mit einprogrammiert.
Es gibt Sequenzen, die sich nach jeder Zellteilung verkürzen, bis sozusagen die letzte Kopie der Zelle angefertigt ist und der endgültige Tod entschieden ist.

Bei der Stammzellentherapie werden neue Zellen "geboren", die die volle Vervielfältigungs-, d.h. Teilungskapazität wie bei einem Neugeborenen besitzen.

Was passiert denn bei einer "Verjüngung" wie bei A&G?
Wird der Zelltod umgangen, dadurch, daß sich die besagte Zelltodsequenz umprogrammieren läßt?

Hoffentlich werden die letzten Kräfte der Zelle nicht nur geboostet, praktisch mit Lachgas betrieben, bis nach einer Weile der Kolbenfresser eintritt und über Nacht alle neu gewonnenen Haare rieseln.

Sorry für mein unwissenschafliches Gesülze, tretet mich, wenn ich Schwachsinn verzapfe Neutral Thumbs Up


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Re: A&G Zoll Problem [Beitrag #157990 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Fr., 08 Mai 2009 18:34 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen

Hallo Leute, also mein Packet hat der Zoll abgefangen Dead .
Ihr könnt euch nicht vorstellen was da für unfreundliche Leute sitzen und das ist noch echt milde ausgedruckt Wut , war echt heute auf 200 Pistole . War aber klar wo ich die Ampullen da gesehen habe, dass sieht schon verdammt stark nach Medikament aus und wo die noch den Preis gesehen haben, war das ganz vorbei, die wollten auch nichts mehr wissen von Kosmetikum Uh Oh .
Musste die Annahme verweigern, hoffe jetzt bloß dass ich das Geld zurückbekomme Mad .
Also solange das nicht geklärt ist würde ich da nichts bestellen.

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #157991 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Fr., 08 Mai 2009 19:12 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Schreib doch mal den doc von ag an.....was passiert ist.Evebtuell schickt er noch was....oder er schickt dir das geld retour

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158024 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157991] :: Sa., 09 Mai 2009 06:47 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
na toll wie sollen wir dann das zeug bestellen wenn es wirklich gut für die ha ist ???

Gibt es denn da paar Tipps und Tricks die Zollbeamtezu überlisten???

19.10 halbe Letrozol
Fin wieder angefangen 1mg 30.08
A & G Hairkomplex 08.07.2009
AC- Therapie und AC Reviva 16.04.09

Zink 50mg
Mega Bcaa´s

Abgesetzt seit 29.04.2009
Fin 1,25mg 25.01.09
DynamSop und Bay 10.01.09

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158030 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158024] :: Sa., 09 Mai 2009 09:34 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Kzaydn schrieb am Sam, 09 Mai 2009 06:47

na toll wie sollen wir dann das zeug bestellen wenn es wirklich gut für die ha ist ???

Gibt es denn da paar Tipps und Tricks die Zollbeamtezu überlisten???

Du hast bereits die richtige Antwort in deiner Frage enthalten.
Du sagst denen von A&G, daß die auf dein Päckchen von außen in den Lieferbrief eine Hunder-Dollar-Note mit reinlegen sollen. Um die direkte Schmierung zu verschleiern, soll die Note mit Bleistift mit "na toll" beschriftet werden.
Die vom Zoll wissen dann bescheid und du bekommst dein Päckchen.

Einen Haken hat die Methode, sie kostet hundert Doller zusätzlich! Laughing


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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158295 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Di., 12 Mai 2009 00:01 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
was sagen denn nun unsere ami freunde???

ich will mir jetzt entweder minox hollen oder A&G, aber ich weis halt net was ich machen soll???

Wenn ich mir jetzt minox holle und es benutze bekomme ich shedding, aber plötzlich hören wir dann das A&G wirkt und besser als minox ist. Dann habe ich umsonst mit minox angefangen und meinen haaren nur geschadet

19.10 halbe Letrozol
Fin wieder angefangen 1mg 30.08
A & G Hairkomplex 08.07.2009
AC- Therapie und AC Reviva 16.04.09

Zink 50mg
Mega Bcaa´s

Abgesetzt seit 29.04.2009
Fin 1,25mg 25.01.09
DynamSop und Bay 10.01.09

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158308 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Di., 12 Mai 2009 11:00 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Im HLF-Forum kann man nachlesen dass ein paar Leute positive Effekte sehen, obwohl bei dem ein-oder-anderen noch früh. Andere haben keinen Effekt ausser vllt eine sich-gesünder-anfühlende Kopfhaut, und mindestens einer meint er habe eher Probleme damit. Wiederum andere werden erst nach sinnvoller Zeit darüber berichten (3 Monate oder so).

Dh was du jetz machen wirst ist warten, 2 Monate oder so, danach kannst dich hoffentlich entscheiden.

[Aktualisiert am: Di., 12 Mai 2009 11:30]

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158326 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158308] :: Di., 12 Mai 2009 15:41 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Villain schrieb am Die, 12 Mai 2009 11:00

Im HLF-Forum kann man nachlesen dass ein paar Leute positive Effekte sehen, obwohl bei dem ein-oder-anderen noch früh. Andere haben keinen Effekt ausser vllt eine sich-gesünder-anfühlende Kopfhaut, und mindestens einer meint er habe eher Probleme damit. Wiederum andere werden erst nach sinnvoller Zeit darüber berichten (3 Monate oder so).

Dh was du jetz machen wirst ist warten, 2 Monate oder so, danach kannst dich hoffentlich entscheiden.

und wie sieht es mit ha stopp oder neuwuchs aus

Was meint ihr eigentlich kann ich mit Minox anfangen und 2 Monater später wenn das A&G gut sein sollte minox absetzten und A&G benutzten?

Wie lang geht denn so ein shedding bei minox und wann fängt es an??

[Aktualisiert am: Di., 12 Mai 2009 15:47]

19.10 halbe Letrozol
Fin wieder angefangen 1mg 30.08
A & G Hairkomplex 08.07.2009
AC- Therapie und AC Reviva 16.04.09

Zink 50mg
Mega Bcaa´s

Abgesetzt seit 29.04.2009
Fin 1,25mg 25.01.09
DynamSop und Bay 10.01.09

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158327 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Di., 12 Mai 2009 15:49 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen

Wie lang geht denn so ein shedding bei minox und wann fängt es an??

Unterschiedlich. Bei mir fing es nach ca. 14 Tagen an und dauert in etwa genauso lang.

[Aktualisiert am: Di., 12 Mai 2009 15:49]

1 mg Fin täglich seit 2000

Nichtraucher/ viel Sport

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158329 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158327] :: Di., 12 Mai 2009 15:56 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Marc1234 schrieb am Die, 12 Mai 2009 15:49


Wie lang geht denn so ein shedding bei minox und wann fängt es an??

Unterschiedlich. Bei mir fing es nach ca. 14 Tagen an und dauert in etwa genauso lang.

ist das sheeding dann auf dem ganzen kopf oder nur an der stelle wo ich es hin schmiere, und wie lange dauert es bis neue haare dann kommen?
Wenn ich shedding bekomme heißt es es wirkt oder???

19.10 halbe Letrozol
Fin wieder angefangen 1mg 30.08
A & G Hairkomplex 08.07.2009
AC- Therapie und AC Reviva 16.04.09

Zink 50mg
Mega Bcaa´s

Abgesetzt seit 29.04.2009
Fin 1,25mg 25.01.09
DynamSop und Bay 10.01.09

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158330 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158329] :: Di., 12 Mai 2009 16:11 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
also ich finde es schwierig zu sagen wann shedding anfängt bzw aufhört wenn du AGA hast. bei mir ist es so, dass ich nicht weiß
oder wusste was mein shedding aufgehört hat, denn es fielen mir
so viele haare vor minox und auch noch mit minox aus, dass es
kaum auszumachen ist, wann shedding begann oder aufhörte etc.
ich kann in meinen GHE nun leichten erfolg verzeichnen glaube ich,
also die kleinen haare sind dicker geworden, allerdings macht es
kaum unterschied ob die nun dicker sind oder nicht, man sieht
sie immernoch die GHE´s bei mir, ich hoffe also dass es noch mehr
werden und diese auch länger werden als nur max. 1 cm.
ansonsten mach dir nicht zu viel hoffnunf dass deine AGA gestoppt
wird oder dass du gar neuwuchs erzielst. das ist doch meist die
ausnahme. in den meisten fällen denke ich, dass minox nur schafft
die AGA zu verlangsamen, wenn überhaupt.

was den A&G angeht ... nun ja, ich bin mal gespannt wann oder ob
es erste positive rückmeldung gibt, etc. bilder.
würde dann sofort auch damit anfangen, ganz klar. ich glaube dann
machts auch sicher nichts wenn man beides parallel nimmt oder
minox ausschleicht oder? @ pro´s hier ...

beste grüße, GHecker
seit 04/09 minox 5%
seit 13.05.09 ca. 0,7mg FIN täglich
seit 01.01.10 FIN *stopped*
NW status = fast NW 4
alter: 25

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158332 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158330] :: Di., 12 Mai 2009 16:18 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
und wenn ich minox nur in die kahlenstellen schmiere???? würde ich trz shedding bekommen ?

19.10 halbe Letrozol
Fin wieder angefangen 1mg 30.08
A & G Hairkomplex 08.07.2009
AC- Therapie und AC Reviva 16.04.09

Zink 50mg
Mega Bcaa´s

Abgesetzt seit 29.04.2009
Fin 1,25mg 25.01.09
DynamSop und Bay 10.01.09

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158334 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158332] :: Di., 12 Mai 2009 16:31 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
hm, also ich bin kein experte, aber ich hab hier glaub ich mal
geleen, dass minox sich verteilt. keine ahnung wie, ob unter der
haut nach dem einziehen oder beim auftragen etc.
das shedding dürfte dann dort eintreten wo minox "drauf ist",
sollte diese stelle von AGA betroffen sein. also gesunde haare,
nicht von der AGA betroffen dürften erhalten bleiben und nicht
vom shedding betroffen sein. aber warte mal die expertenmeinung
hier ab, falls sich jmd. von den herren hier mal äußern.

beste grüße, GHecker
seit 04/09 minox 5%
seit 13.05.09 ca. 0,7mg FIN täglich
seit 01.01.10 FIN *stopped*
NW status = fast NW 4
alter: 25

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158556 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Fr., 15 Mai 2009 08:39 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
vielleicht diskutiert ihr das besser im Minox Forum, was meint ihr? Ich wette, die Antwort ist da auch schon niedergeschrieben Wink

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158756 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158556] :: So., 17 Mai 2009 23:29 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen

kurzes update:

es ist jetzt ein monat her das ich mit der anwendung von A&G begonnen habe. und ich kann noch nichts positives berichten.




Fin Oral, Bockshornklee-Kapseln, 2% Minox, Dutasterid, Thallium Sulficum, Aminexil, Fin-Minox5%-Topisch, Fluta-Gel, Revivogen, Fin 0,1mg ORAL + TOPISCH, Carrasyn, Spiro-Lotion, A&G, Lamisil, Öle, Androcur-Topisch

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158765 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158756] :: Mo., 18 Mai 2009 08:46 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Da wird wohl auch nichts positives mehr kommen. Was ich positives erkennen kann, ist deine Liste die du abgesetzt hast, weil die finde ich erschreckend. Wink

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158767 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158765] :: Mo., 18 Mai 2009 10:21 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen


Fin Oral, Bockshornklee-Kapseln, 2% Minox, Dutasterid, Thallium Sulficum, Aminexil, Fin-Minox5%-Topisch, Fluta-Gel, Revivogen, Fin 0,1mg ORAL + TOPISCH, Carrasyn, Spiro-Lotion, A&G, Lamisil, Öle, Androcur-Topisch

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158771 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Mo., 18 Mai 2009 12:11 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Ich glaube wieder mal ein Produkt unter der Rubrik verarschung.
Man sollte solche Menschen die so einen Scheiss rausbringen und dafür Werbung machen und sogar im TV auftreten,verklagen.
Was ist eigentlich mit ami-Foren die haben wie verrückt das Zeug bestellt.
Was vielleicht jemand ob die was possitives berichten?

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158774 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158771] :: Mo., 18 Mai 2009 14:38 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Furchtbarer Post! Du wirst schon noch genug Zeit haben, das Produkt niederzumachen oder kannst dich dann freuen, wenn es ein Fake ist, aber warte erst einmal noch einen/zwei Monat(e) ab. 6 Wochen sind zu wenig um etwas zu beurteilen. Nichtsdestotrotz melden sich einige User in dem Ami-Foren, die von Neuwuchs am Haaransatz sprechen und von einer Verlängerung der Haare. Wiederum andere konnten in diesen 6 Wochen noch keine Veränderung feststellen. Ich denke mal es kommt wohl auch darauf an, wie der Haarstatus jedes Einzelnen ist.

[Aktualisiert am: Mo., 18 Mai 2009 14:40]

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158775 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158774] :: Mo., 18 Mai 2009 15:01 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Naja....,das wars wohl dann mit dem tollen Zeugs!
Ich hät mich ja auch gefreut.............,aber ich denke hier wächst nix mehr!

Hinaaaauus,letzte Worte sind für Narren,die noch nicht genug gesagt haben


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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158779 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158774] :: Mo., 18 Mai 2009 15:18 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
und du denkst die paar Erfolgsberichte sind Real ???
wer so ein Produkt auf den Markt bringt zur Abzocke der schönigt auch Forumsseiten , bin in den Ami Foren net aber sind da auch erfolgsberichte von Jahrelangen Users denen man vertrauen schenken kann .
die ganze aufmachung der Homepgae ( incl Bilder ) sieht zu 99 % nach fake aus , ferner der Fakt das nirgends in der Presse was dazu steht ...
Und glaub mir keiner würd sich mehr freuen als ich , wenn man aber 20 Jahre verarscht wird mit tollsten Storys wird man realistisch ....

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158785 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158779] :: Mo., 18 Mai 2009 16:31 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Einfach mal die Füße noch 4-8 Wochen stillhalten und dann weiß man mehr. Die Postings anzuzweifeln im "anoymen Internet" ist jedermannsrecht, genauso sollte man jedoch auch nicht ein Produkt nach 6 Wochen verteufeln und sagen man wusste es immer, dass es ein Fake ist, da es nicht sofort neue Haarbüschel hervorruft.

Ja die Seite mit den Photos ist sehr schlecht, aber das wurde nun in den Ami-Foren auch schon reichlich diskutiert und der Doktor hat dazu Stellung genommen. Nichtsdestotrotz nützen die besten Photos auch nichts, wenn die Ergebnisse nachher nichts bringen.

Davon abgesehen, denke ich persönlich, dass einige Posts schon real sind, aber das kann jeder für sich selbst bewerten. Einfach die Zeit abwarten und entweder wirkt es oder auch nicht.

[Aktualisiert am: Mo., 18 Mai 2009 16:46]

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158841 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158785] :: Di., 19 Mai 2009 09:05 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Also wer in diesem Forum schon ein paar Wochen mitliest und postet (Schneeball) sollte doch wissen daß sich für einen Laien zuhause, nach 2-3 Monaten noch gar nichts erkennen lässt.
Eine Verbesserung/Veränderung des Haarzykluss lasst scih in so kurzer Zeit vielleicht von Spezialisten mit Hilfe von High-Tech erkennen, aber von keinem User aus dem Forum hier. Soviel müsste man wissen wenn man sich mit diesem Forum beschäftigt.

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158867 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158841] :: Di., 19 Mai 2009 15:49 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
was würdest du machen wen du wirklich erfolge nachweisen könntest und dein Produkt vermarkten wolltest ????
ich würde Medienvertreter aus Aller Wert einladen , würde die nachweisbaren Erfolge aus den Tests vorlegen und wäre wochen später Milliardär
fraglich warum besagter Erfinder dies nicht macht - ich hab ne antwort behalt sie aber für mich .
Erfolge ja , vielleicht wachsen einem danach 50 Hare mehr , sichtbar wird da nichts ....

[Aktualisiert am: Di., 19 Mai 2009 15:50]

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158881 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158867] :: Di., 19 Mai 2009 20:46 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Gebe dir zu 100% recht kamps.Wenn ein produkt haarausfall stoppen könnte,,,,,,,würde wir es über tv oder presse erfahren.

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158885 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158881] :: Di., 19 Mai 2009 21:35 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Genau, die Medien hätten einen live-Stream auf einen Kopf schalten müssen, der dann nach 3 Monaten verrät ob etwas gewachsen ist oder sie hätten schon diverse Artikel über die Wirksamkeit berichten müssen, obwohl das Produkt im freien Verkauf den Nutzen noch nicht beweisen konnte.

Langsam wird es hier lächerlich. Ich glaube, wenn die Medien in jünster Vergangenheit bei jedem neu angekündigten Produkt ein Fass aufgemacht hätten, wären diese später als unseriöse Berichte zurückgewiesen worden. Deswegen wartet man hier wohl auch lieber erst einmal ab, da es für sie wohl augenscheinlich auch ein Produkt von vielen ist. Ich weiß nicht warum man hier immer das Haar in der Suppe und nicht auf dem Kopf suchen will.

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158962 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Mi., 20 Mai 2009 22:37 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
ich hab die meisten erfolgsberichte mal rauskopiert und nach verfasser und datum sortiert damit ich den verlauf besser verfolgen kann. das ist für all diejenigen die ihr gehirn einschalten bevor sie posten. die anderen sollen bitte ihren mund halten.
oh ja stimmt die amis haben schon vor einigen wochen begonnen und noch niemand berichtet irgendetwas positives außer anton, ihr habts ja so drauf. sich über politiker ärgern aber selbst den ganzen tag nur scheiße labern.
was ihr darüber denkt ist mir egal, es ist eben für die gedacht, die was damit anzufangen wissen.
bei mir in der textdatei hab ich auch die wesentlichen abschnitte fett markiert, leider wurde das nicht übernommen.
ich weiß das ist ein problem für viele die kein bock haben zu lesen aber trotzdem meinen über alles bescheid zu wissen.

by justthin » Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:39 am
Sorry to hear about the situation huli! Have you considered not using the laser and continuing the HC?Maybe its the combo of the two. I have to disagree with p__.Only because No matter how many showers or shampooing or gelling etc..I would always have hair fallout. I seem to have had the same experiance as you huli , where in the beginning I would massage and see lots of hair. Massaged again last night and alot harder and longer and only a few hairs 5-10 were on my fingers this time. If your MPB is progressing I cannot see why it would stop shedding when more andmore hairs are becoming weaker and weaker. It really should be a never ending cycle unless ur done with MPB progression.You can find somethings that would help the shedding but not stop it completely. I have not stopped shedding hairs for a year or so untill last night...I don;t think I have run out of weak hairs that will fallout tho.When I do my next app I garauntee that I will see a few more hairs on my falls out when you don;t have MPB as well.

Thanks god its slowed way down and actually things look better.Hair and scalp feel healthier and because I shaved down to a 3 gaurd, I can see the thicker hairs near my scalp. all in all it looks promising to say the least.

Keep hope alive guys!!lol

by justthin » Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:06 pm
Well..tingling came back after todays app.Some itching as well but nothing major. One vile left and if I am not seeing things, there are a couple hairs along hairline that are new and in the temple region I feel like I am gaining ground. I have some short hairs that used to be almost vellous in the temple area and they seem to be coming back to life! I don;t wanna jinx this but I guess I should report that the hair over my entire head seem to be getting a bit thicker..nothing drastic but I can def see less scalp through my hair even when wet. I have it shaved to a 3 gaurd now and usually its totally see through as a diffuse thinner.It seems that my scalp is a little less visable..crossing fingers!

I stopped using Niz the day I started AGHC and I only use jasons biotin shampoo and H&S. Now my hair and scalp are def healthier and my hair has lost alot of the straw like feeling.

Again, nothing major or overly dramatic to report but things seem to be going in the right direction..still holding on to hope

by justthin » Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:51 pm
Can't we all just get along!

I don't care if they offer a money back garauntee, I just hope it works! Bug I understand your posittion and reasoning and it makes have great input and are one of the more knowledgable peopel on the forum..def don;t wanna see you go over this ridiculous argument(no offence to anyone).Lets not lose site of the main issue here..results.

That being said...I am done my last treatment and things are def getting better.Nothing too major but visably noticable. Also, the crown and temples seem to be improving the most..thickness is improved all over. Loving the way my hairs feels too now.

The crown seems to be the most noticable improvment..I am so far ..A happy man!

Anyone else seeing any results?

Good luck to all...still!

by justthin » Fri May 08, 2009 5:11 pm
Almost 5 has thinning has gotten better...the thinning area is getting smaller each week.Hair along hairline and temples is improving..overall hair is strong and thicker. Shedding has completely stopped now...even when I shower I am hard pressed to find one hair even. Sometimes I lose small insignificant hairs randomly..but only a few.So hopefully that is the end of the weak hairs being ejected as the doc stated would happen. So far so good..nothing major of course.Way too soon to se real progress but a little progress is a good sign in such a short period.

My hair and scalp feel much better and stronger so I am still hanging on to hope!

I'll keep you all updated as much as I can..been a bit busy lately to keep up on here.My apologies!

by justthin » Sun May 17, 2009 5:58 pm
Things are progressivly getting better. Scalp is less visable and hair is still thicker then before A&G. Shedding is non existant and hair and scalp feel so much better. Cosmetically things are starting to show improvement. I am very happy so far and hoping things will keep getting better. My hair also seems to be growing faster then before as I have had to cut it more often then normal. Bald spot at back of head is getting smaller and smaller each noticed this first. All in all I am happy but not satisfied. I can only hope that these are all signs of progress and of good things to come.

I really love the fact that I do not shed at all anymore. Still early so nothing is significantly better yet but shows signs of going in the right direction. I can say I have not had such healthy and thick hair since about 2 years ago.

I will keep updating periodically...yes I am a "newbie" but I think others wouldn;t mind hearing results from anyone trying this product.

one more is def stronger and fuller feeling.

goodluck to all trying this out..keep your hopes up!

edit:forgot to add that I still do get some tingling sensations at different spots on my scalp at diff times. Nothing major or intense like the beginning but not like the MPB itch I used to have.

by perga » Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:04 am
@nix: sure I'll put some on my blog thing on this site. The problem, however, is that the way it looks is VERY dependent on the time of day you check, and I was NOT consistent with these both when I took them and even taking them at all. For example, I have some from the morning after shower and it makes my head look like a wasteland of dried skin... but by evening of the same day it looks shiny/greasy and just completely different.

I have almost an OCD about checking around on my head though, and based on what I have seen (on average) from the HC, I am convinced it helped my head look and feel healthier.

I will post what I have after work though, so you don't think I'm totally full of it .

by cld517 » Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:33 am
treatment #7..a little tingle irritation but only on the front zone of the 3 that i do..cant really say if its doing anything..i know its soon..but i think some of the healthier terminal hairs have grown somewhat longer..kinda stick up out of the shorter terminl hairs..never really noticed this before..this i'm even less sure about..but its possible that the shorter, thinner terminal (but light) hairs might be if the serum thickens these, helps them to grow, along with the rest of the non growing terminal and light terminal hairs, with rejuvenation of the very thin minitiarized hairs i'd be so happy..because if all this happened and there wasnt the elusive regrowth it would be enough for me..pretty much just rejuvenate everything thats there already..we'll see..

by cld517 » Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:07 pm
Dr,AQ i see that you're online..some comments and questions..i'm almost finished with my last bottle..i probably get 1-2 more treatments for total of 12-13 stated earlier in the thread that HC is not dose dependent so i feel confident that i didnt under use it..i never really had a tngle, maybe something slight for a short period of time..but sometimes the next day i did feel kind of itchy & gemerally my scalp never itches..i cant say that my scalp feels healthier because i dont think it was in a poor state to begin with..i also never had any peeling or anything like some other members reported, nor did i experience any increased shedding..i do think that some of the healthier hairs hve grown a bit because they kind of stick up past the shorter ones and make me look like have a bit of the "frizzies".., (which is a plus b/c they never grow in length, they just shed, grow in a little shorter and thinner until they're eventually gone).

my main hope is that
1) it will get my terminal hairs all growing again because they really dont grow..
2) that the complex gets the very short terminal hairs to grow
3) that it will get the short minitarized terminal hairs to grow
4) and finally that it will get the tiny (1/8" in length) thin, lightly colored hairs to grow and thicken.

any actual regrowth would be an added bonus..
juding by the results of the trials and of results attained at allure how possible do my expectations seem? if you could please comment on each (1-4)
this is the program i followed
laser with a 2 1/2" x 5" 80 diode device in 3 sections (starting from the hailine back..) i treated area 1 for 15 minutes..applied the HC massaged for 5= minutes then lasered for an additional 5 minutes and moved onto area 2 doing the same as i did for area 1 and finished up with area 3..
i didnt wash the complex out for at least 14 hours..
on the off days i applied my usual products 2 times in a day(virile mane and Nanominox which is a minoxidal based formula with finstearide and some other ingredients)..
being that i did the lasers and HC at night on the HC days i was still able to apply the nanominox and virile mane early in the day..I NEVER allowed my other products to be applied within 6-8 hours of the HC..again doc..what do you think and please, if you would, answer 1-4 and feel free to add any addional comments..oh..btw i;m a diffuse thinner

by hulihoop » Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:32 am
OK guys, here is the update as of my last application. I didn't finish the 5 vials but did finish 5 treatments. Opted not to do more because the complex is progressively irritating my scalp. The last one ended up feeling like (and looking like) a bad sunburn. I ended up washing it all off before 8 hours and covering my head in emu oil. A few applications of that, left on for a good 6 to 8 hours has brought my scalp back to what it approaching normal. Sadly, I can't say the A&G complex has helped my scalp health. After the first couple of treatments I could have said that as it appeared really good, but since then no way. I believe it is the PG in the complex that I have developed a sensitivity to. My options are to wait and try the complex again sometime down the road when my scalp is much healthier or try a similar product being developed that is based on nanosomes and doesn't need PG.

Anyway, after all the shedding that was associated with using the HC I have to say it is not cosmetically visible. In fact my good hair actually appears thicker at the roots than before and, honestly, I don't think I am imagining that. Also, I don't want to jinx it, but shedding has more or less totally stopped. My scalp is returning to normal in terms of appearance and feel after application of the emu oil but it still a little itchy and even tingly like it was after applications 1, 2, and 3. Hopefully that is a good sign but only time will tell.

I know I wasn't able to get through all 5 vials which is disappointing. I was hoping to get in 8 or 9 treatments and instead got 5. I also know that an inflamed scalp is not conducive to hair growth/health and even counter productive. I am hoping however that since the stimulation my follicles appeared to be getting was pretty intense, through the first 3 treatments especially, there is something good that might still happen. Sadly I know if at all it won't be what it could have been, but since I am catching my hair loss relatively early that might be ok. I'd settle for no more hair loss and even a modest amount of thickening and regrowth would be a dream. Today is day 11 since i started. I am continuing to laser as always. The waiting begins....

by hulihoop » Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:37 pm
Actually _p I agree with you! I don't necessarily believe that the HC has stopped my shedding or hair loss. I do believe it induced a shed of weaken, miniaturized hairs and that all of those are pretty much gone now. That makes me happy because I appear to have lots of hair left that looks healthy. Honestly, since starting lasers in January there has been a HUGE difference in the quality of my hair in the MPB area. I also think I see thickening at the base of the hairs just since starting the HC although I could be imagining that. All I know is I have shed a ton and yet my hair looked great today and I still have full coverage with only the crown and left temple as real trouble spots. I was getting worried because when you shed you wonder "is it all going to fall out?". However I believe that with lasers and the rest of my regimen, not to mention whatever the HC contributes that I can keep those healthy hairs healthy and that means keep my hair. I know you are over a regrowth as well and look at the success people there have had with lasers stopping hair loss in its tracks. Hopefully as well the HC can lead to those shed hairs being replaced with healthy ones but only time will tell.

Morph, you know what is crazy? My scalp looks and feels great today which is insane after looking so red and feeling so "sunburned" after my last application of the HC. So hopefully the 5 treatments will still be effective and I can still get some benefit from it. I can try to use the HC I have left again at some point in the future.

Thanks guys for your interest and support!


by hulihoop » Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:31 pm
Hey guys,

A few of you were asking for more details about my scalp condition so here is my best attempt to describe it:

General redness from crown to just behind the hairline. This is most visible when see from an oblique angle rather than from directly above. Burning feeling to touch if I run my fingers over it and create ANY friction a lot like a sunburn feels like. A generalized itch. Initially I had a "hair pain" at the hair roots associated with it which I felt if I ran my hand against the grain or lay of my hair.

The good news is this has subsided dramatically in the last couple of days. My family GP thought it was psoriasis but also thought it looked like an allergic reaction. He gave me a steroid/anti psoriatic medication that I have used only twice. It makes my head itch more initially before bringing some degree of relief after 12 hours but it is terribly messy to use. I have reverted to the use of emu oil and a mild shampoo and that seems to be bringing things back under control to a degree. I have doubts it is psoriasis as the flaking etc just isn't there.

Currently I feel like there is a slow process of return to health for my scalp. There are large parts of the day where it feels normal and it feels normal after showering again which it didn't for a long time. It looks better but still is reddish in areas - some more than others - but better than it was. A side note is that my hair in these areas appears thicker at the base than it did and seems healthier. Not sure whether that is the case or my imagination but it seems that the long hair on my top is pretty indistinguishable from the long hair on my sides. I am still losing hair, primarily from my hairline and primarily shorter hairs but at a much slower rate than I was. I can see all of the empty follicles but don't see any activity in them. It is clear there is a ways to go to get my scalp looking like it does in the healthy areas like the back and sides but I feel I have actually made progress since my last post so that is at least a good sign. btw...tomorrow will be 21 days since my first A&G application.

I am still doubtful that I am going to see any results from this application. I just can't see how the follicle health could improve through all that irritation and inflammation even with the stimulation the HC provided, however I will admit that anything is possible. I am moving from somewhat depressed by the whole thing to cautiously optimistic as my scalp is making slow but I feel perceptable progress. I agree entirely with Dr. AQ re the importance of scalp health so that is my priority. As it gets better hopefully the hair health will improve and at some point in a month or so maybe I can try the HC again. For now my dilemma is whether or not to laser or not. I have been away in NYC for the past week and was unable to laser. This has coincided with an improvement in my scalp. All information available indicates lasers should help my scalp but maybe in this state it needs to recover a little more before it will be useful. I am really not sure what I will do.

Hope that answers the questions. Will keep you posted.


by perga » Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:37 am
Dr. AQ, is there any word on when the pictures will be put up? Can we have a specific date?

Also, I have started to get some tingling/itchiness, and maybe (justttttt maybe) I am seeing some fuzz coming in near that point where you follow the inside (closest to face) side of the sideburn up towards the hair line ... hard to explain. And MAYBE some at the corners of the hair line as well.... I am not sure if it was there before or not...

but, anyways... pictures? ?

by perga » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:06 pm
Spot on there Jacob. When we are talking to the trialist, the company won't release the photos; when we are talking to the company, the trialist won't release the photos. Smells like BS.

I've got 2 more applications and I am really just praying that this stuff works. In all seriousness, it has improved the health of my scalp pretty drastically (unless that was from discontinuing my other topicals...). Whether or not it grows hair is still the big question.

by perga » Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:21 am
Well, today was my last application (I did 10 total, so it is day 19).. overall my experience is as follows...

Very little itchiness/tingling that I could positively correlate with A&G. The sensations I did have were very similar to what I have had for ages and always thought were negative signs of MPB.

I had severe dandruff for 3-4 days.

I believe I see some peach fuzz coming in at the temples and down towards the sideburn on the sides, whether or not this continues to grow is up in the air.

Good luck everybody!

by perga » Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:13 am
Oh, and I forgot to mention... my scalp looks GREAT. I have a handheld USB microscope camera, and at x50 zoom, my head looks really spectacular. This could be a result of stopping my other topicals, or because of A&G... I can't be 100% sure, but if I had to guess, I would say it is because of A&G.

@pute: Dr. AQ mentioned it wouldn't hurt (and might help) if you stretch the treatments out. So if you only need to/want to use like half a bottle per application you can end up with 10 total applications; that's what I ended up doing.

by perga » Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:04 am
@nix: sure I'll put some on my blog thing on this site. The problem, however, is that the way it looks is VERY dependent on the time of day you check, and I was NOT consistent with these both when I took them and even taking them at all. For example, I have some from the morning after shower and it makes my head look like a wasteland of dried skin... but by evening of the same day it looks shiny/greasy and just completely different.

I have almost an OCD about checking around on my head though, and based on what I have seen (on average) from the HC, I am convinced it helped my head look and feel healthier.

I will post what I have after work though, so you don't think I'm totally full of it .

by perga » Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:01 am
@aviador: your english is great! if you hadn't said anything I never would have known you weren't a native English speaker. Good luck with the A&G.

SOOOO ... I am seeing hairs sprouting up all over the place on my microscope camera. I forgot to post pictures like I said I would, but today I definitely will. Let me say though that I HAVE SEEN THIS BEFORE, maybe not to the degree that it is now, but when I started using lasers (pew pew) it also popped up hairs in a similar fashion. Whether or not they grow all the way in is the real question. I'll post what I have today after work and you guys can decide what you think for yourself. I'll post some updated macro shots as well (I do NOT think there has been any improvement in the macro department, but it will give you guys an idea of where I am, and show my hair at all sorts of lengths)

by perga » Fri May 01, 2009 7:25 pm
What's up everybody. So a quick update from me, it is day 31 since the first day I started to use the treatment and here is how it went:

During treatment I had very little if any tingle/itchyness I could positively attribute to A&G. I did have massive amounts of dead skin coming off my head though.

I changed all of the following things just before starting A&G:
discontinue revivogen at hairline at night
discontinue super zix II 2x a day
discontinue coconut oil prewash conditioner
discontinue nioxin scalp therapy/conditioner
reduced finasteride dosage to .75mg/Day instead of 1mg/day
slacking on taking my vitamins.

Since finishing I have gone back to the following...
using Super Zix II 2x a day again.

After 5-7 days since finishing A&G my head was/is driving me insane with tingle/itchiness. It feels just as bad (good?) as when I just started taking propecia a long time ago.

Positive signs? There are new hairs coming in at my most receded temple, no doubt about it. The peach fuzz upwards from the sideburn is growing longer as well. I also feel like my overall head seems to look better, though that could be just because it is getting longer.

Right now, it is still too early to give a fair assessment of whether or not this is worth it, but I would say the signs are looking positive... now I just need to get some significant hair back.

I will repost my pictures soon, I took them down because I didn't want bug making off with my bald noodle and posting it all over the internet.

by 1..... » Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:15 pm
i talked to the Dr. AQ on the phone today. Super nice guy. I asked him about the pimples bc had some pop up yesterday on my hairline, he said it was normal for it to happen (i forget the science he talked about behind it). Anyway, I'm seeing more hairs popping up on my hairline!

by 1..... » Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:52 pm
I kno I am so stoked that this is working. The weak hairs that have been on my hairline are pretty long now. they were way shorter than the rest of my hair bc they take way longer to grow. Shedding wayyyyy less than before using it. And honestly I get excited waking up bc i feel like it gets better everyday. The doc said that it should get even better in the next couple weeks which i am excited about. I used the hairmax laser comb which i bought awhile ago and was about to sell it bc i stopped using it and it didnt help my hair. But I am blessed that I kept it bc I'm thinking it might have something to do with the quick results.

by 1..... » Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:52 pm
That would be greatly it's only 2 hairs far off your hairline that you see? Have you noticed any thickening of your existing hair or any more fullness to thinning areas?

The 2 hairs are the longest and most obvious since they arent even on my hairline. I would say there is around 20 small hairs that are noticeable popping up on my hairline. I am going to try to get the best pic possible but my cam isnt that great so I will see what I can do. I get a pic of the 2 hairs as well. My hair is way thicker and fuller. I have kinda long "surfer" hair and I use to have a hard time covering up my forehead with hair but now it is pretty easy.

by 1..... » Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:50 pm
pics r being posted right now. 8 days after A&G. here is the link You have to click on the pic's of the camera bc the pics i took r too big i guess. cheers

Alot of the small hairs on the hairline r new. and the stray hairs from my hairline r obviously new as well. much thickening as well. Only 8 day... Cant wait for the next couple weeks!

by 1..... » Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:22 am
@1.... the hairs on the photos that "stand out" are you sure that those are new hairs and not hairs that are going to finally die in a few months? especially I am impressed by this picture ( ... _guid=2299). it looks to me that some hairs are even terminal. I hope it will progess because as we all know, peach fuzz almost never go terminal with "regular" treatments. can you comment a little more about the thickening please, because I have also hair that is supposed to cover my forehead but it often doesn't.

The hairs that are longer on my hairline were obviously already there but they have darkened up. In some of the pics u can see small hairs popping up in the hairline and even away from the hairline that werent there before. Sorry I dont have before pics that would make it easier. These pics can be baseline for more improvement

by 1..... » Sat May 02, 2009 2:27 am
about 4 week update for me,

no new hairs from last time I posted pics. shedding is down dramatically, very rarely see hairs in shower or sink. small hairs that grew at the beginning are now getting longer.

by 1..... » Mon May 18, 2009 1:48 pm
my results have slowed down. I am starting to shed more. this is my 6th week and I am planning on doing a second treatment in mid june.

by 1..... » Mon May 18, 2009 3:47 pm
mrhairs speak for yourself buddy, i have seen many new hairs pop up on my hairline and have reduced shedding. It just just recently I have started shedding a little more than before. But still not shedding as much as I did before the HC treatment. Plus this is the most convenient treatment because you dont have to do it every single day.

by Ryand2 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:37 pm
I have just finished up my last vial, i think theres more peach fuzz on my hair line, hairs are getting longer, and some are getting darker.

However, I am frustrated with the lack of pictures, the Dr. has repeatedly said that more are coming, and lately said that they were waiting for the release forms from a trialist. However, wouldnt it go without saying that if the trialist did in fact agree to participate, then those release forms would have been released a while ago? I just dont understand why it is taking so long to put some pictures up, its a simple 10 minute operation, like Perga said.

by Ryand2 » Sun May 17, 2009 7:27 pm
Ive said it before, i've had an account at hairlosstalk since 2005, i've posted since 2005.

As far as results... you know, i'm really not sure. I've got hundreds of tiny hairs coming up at my hairline, and the further we get away from the time I applied it, more tiny hairs pop up. I was just led to believe that there would be AMAZING results within the first 8 weeks, but what I should have understood was that new hairs begin to pop up within that time frame, and, to that end, it is doing something. I also believe that my hair has thickened up since i've applied it. Lets see... I guess I was done applying around April 14th, So to this point I'm very anxious and optimistic to see where this path leads.

by anton » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:34 am
Hi all,
I have completed 6 applications of the Complex and it's time for my update!
So far so good. There has been some increase in scalp skin turnover which the Doc has said is an expected outcome but it's nothing major. Just a little bit of dandruff at times. Now for the definite change I have seen. In the past if I did not wash my hair daily it would get oily and my scalp would also get oily by the time I'd go to sleep at night and by the next morning it'd be an oily mess. After my 2nd Complex application which was on a Sunday afternoon I purposely did not wash my hair all Monday (public holiday) to maximise the time the Complex was in my hair. I noticed that neither my hair or scalp were very oily but was not sure it was due to the Complex. Well my 5th application was the Saturday that went past and I did not wash my hair till around midday on Monday as I had a day off. I still had a daily shower though! So roughly 2.5 days. Well my hair looked exactly like it did on Saturday. Hardly any sign of oily hair or scalp. So there's definately some change taking place. I think someone else here has also reported the same thing a few pages back. As for hair thickening/regrowth I obviously can't say anything yet.

by anton » Tue May 05, 2009 4:20 am
Hi all,

I have completed 11 applications of the complex. I have 2 to go. I will have 1 vial left after this which I will use in 3-5 months to boost its effect.
My results so far:
- No oily hair or scalp as I have previously stated. Even after 3 days of not washing my hair, which is a result of the Complex as I haven't used any new products since starting it. I still use Nizoral 2-3 times a week and I've been using Nizoral for 5 years now.
- Quality of hair has improved. It just looks more lively and has a healthy shine compared to before starting the complex.
- Thickening of hair in my crown and centre front. I did not want to say this earlier (last week), but I got a hair cut 3 days ago and I can honestly say that the existing hair that was thinning has thickened a bit in those areas. My mother has noticed and confirmed this as well. The thickening has been more pronounced in the 3 weeks of using the Complex than the thickening I got using Adenogen for 1 year. Is this thickening due to the new thickened hair growing in?
- I can feel with my fingertips strong new hair coming through. Not sure if they are existing hair that had shedded a few weeks back or rejuvenated follicles. Hoping for both.
- Scalp feels excellent. Probably related to the less oily thing I mentioned at the top.
- A little dead skin when I run my fingers through my hair but has subsided in the last few days. Wasn't a big worry anyway. Just something I noticed.
- No real itching or tingling. Maybe a very light itchy feeling at times but can't say it was because of the Complex.

So far there is promising signs. I hope these continue. I will be able to make a definite statement in a few weeks time. I haven't used minoxidil ever. I still take finasteride every other day instead of every day. After the A&G Complex I may keep using Fluridil till it runs out. My thinning is in the crown, I have 2 swirls (or whatever they're called) and the thinning is very noticeable and also the front middle just behind my hairline and my right temple just behind the hairline as well which started thinning noticeably in the last year. The front started thinning about 3 years ago slowly. Been losing hair since 1999. I'm just stating this so people don't have to search a 1000+ posts to find this info I think I have posted earlier, around late March I think.

Anyway that's it. Good luck to all.

by Baccy » Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:34 am
Like Anton, I have also noted less oily scalp and less tightness to the scalp resulting in it not shining so much. As a NW7, this in itself is a plus but I'm not ready to comment on any further results yet. I remain optimistic with a healthy dose of scepticism.

I am applying the penultimate treatment tonight.

by Baccy » Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:01 am
The oiliness on my scalp has DEFINITELY gone and so far has not come back and I did my last treatment two days ago. Scalp has lost that tight, stretched feeling. Hopefully, this bodes well.

Edit: After my shower this morning noticed flaking all over the scalp. You know, when you can rub it and get tiny pieces of rolled up skin. Good sign? Bad sign?

by dreamlandman » Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:50 am
Just finished my final application and if I'm not deluding myself, it appears that the vellus hairs in front of my receding hairline which are closer to the apex of the V shape (a less-sharp V pattern mind you) are longer than the 1-2mm ones that are elsewhere and are now in the 3-4 mm range. I've checked it over and over and it definitely seems that they have lengthened.

It may be too early to tell but it certainly looks encouraging. I use a strong torch shining on the forehead/hairline to note any minor changes that may be occurring and I feel this may be one of them.
Hoping for the best,


by dreamlandman » Tue May 05, 2009 12:06 am
What I've recently noticed is that the vellus hair which I've had for years in my temple regions definitely seems to be getting longer in places and a few have really shot up.
On my left 'temple point' region I've noticed a particular lengthening of vellus hairs there.

Fingers crossed for further great developments.
Scalp certainly appears and feels healthier by the way.


by Jacob » Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:24 pm update from me. Not much to say...seems like there's some little trees sprouting up in the forest..depends on the lighting. I do think the pg in the product inflamed my scalp a bit..but it's subsiding now.

Will slowly be adding other topicals again in the near future. Will do another round of A&G, probably in the fall, if it all turns out to be positive for everybody..or at least most everybody.

by pute959 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:53 am
I notice an increase of furr in front of my hairline, i'm hoping it will continue to grow.

@ goten574: please stop bitching about the money-back thing, such things only make the price go up, and it's not relevant in this tread.

by valderama » Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:35 am
i m quite excited about this forehead and temple itching lasted about an hour or two after application, does this mean i m getting an effect in these areas? if i look really close i have tiny dark hairs in these areas. could these be resurrected, i would be happy to thicken out my diffuse top but holy crap if it works on the temples i ll be over the moon.

i was already seeing a small improvement before the a&g complex after staring a garlic topical and msm so i ll go back to that when my vials run out.

Valderama 5/7/2009 5:29 PM
i am about to do my last application of the complex. i got nine applications out of it 2 from each vial having spilt one half of a vial.
i wanted to share that i have seen an improvement in my hair. i know - an outrageous claim at such an early stage. i think other factors may be having an effect. anyway fall out is down, just had a shower and only spotted one lost, hair lenghth seems to have increased in the mid scalp and a little at the crown, it seems less oily and the condition seems to have improved. my hair still looks crap but i m 100% certain it has improved.
prior to the treatment i was applying a garlic topical, which i have dropped for the course of the treatment, and had also started msm which i have now been on 2 months, anyway i think this may be having an impact. my hair had improved a little prior to the ag complex. anyway i m slightly confused maybe the complex has had some effect but i wanted to refer everyone to this study on msm maybe its time to re evaluate on this supplement.
anyway on to the last application and fingers crossed.

by losinit » Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:33 am
Maybe this post will return this thread to the topic of AG. I have been following this blog for a little while now, and never considered posting. Based on this post, I couldn't help myself but purchase AG. I did so around April 1. Now, 4 weeks later, my last vile is finished. I can report that there is peach fuzz in front, where there is essentially no hair left, and the few hairs that remain appear stronger. Absolutely nothing major and you can't even tell unless you look at the scalp very closely. I tell my significant other that I have noticed something, and she thinks I'm crazy. The big test is the next ten weeks or so. If the peach fuzz strengthens and changes pigmentation, that would be a big deal. If there is no more progress, then the product was not worth it - not a fraud, just not worth it. Only time will tell.

Note, I appreciate everyone's skepticism, and I realize that by not posting pictures, I appear like a hack for AG. Pictures wouldn't reveal anything at this point anyway. Take my report for what it's worth - an anonymous blog posting. I've been following you guys on this blog, and feel like it has provided me with a service, and therefore felt compelled to post my report. I will update in the weeks ahead.

by losinit » Tue May 19, 2009 4:35 pm
I posted for the first time 2-3 weeks ago, and promised to follow up on my progress. I began AG around April 1, and since then have noticed positive results. Yes, positive results. At first, around week 3 or 4, it was simply peach fuzz and the strengthening of already-existing hairs. Now, I am noticing new hairs, pigmented and all. However, they are few and far between. Interestingly, the progress conforms to the pattern in which I lost my hair. In other words, hair that I most recently lost is returning first. Hair that I lost years ago is not, e.g., the hairline. I also continue to notice new peach fuzz. While this report sounds good, please know that no one but me would notice any change, and that's only after I stare at my scalp with a magnified mirror (which actually sounds pathetic now that I write it). What happens going forward, I have no clue. But for now, I am comfortable saying the product is falsely called a scam by anyone. The only other product I can say that about is propecia, which I continue to use. I still don't know if it is worth $200 just to see a few new hairs crop up, but more time is needed to better determine that.

I give the same disclaimer I did last time. I have no pictures; this is only my second post; and you have no reason to believe anything I say. This post, just like my last one, is my gesture to the people in this thread who have provided me with a service. I'll post again in a few weeks, and track everyone else's progress in the meantime.

by davetherave » Mon May 04, 2009 6:56 am
I'm about 35 days from my first application. I got 11 treatments out of my 5 vials.

Things I noticed:

- I did get a small itch.
- I did get some dead skin
- Scalp felt great
- I see a few, very few, new terminal hairs
- A few of my existing, slow growing, at the hairline hairs have grown more in the last week than they have in months.
- Some more colorless hairs

by davetherave » Wed May 13, 2009 5:50 am
Second report -

Hairloss is way down. I can put stuff in hair when wet and rub it it with no hair in my hands,

I do have a few more terminal follicles along my hairline (side to corner temples). I also jave about 5 new follicles outside my current hairline in the forehead area. I'm 6 weeks in.

by davetherave » Wed May 20, 2009 5:18 am
I'm pretty much mirroring your progress. Some new pigmented hairs. Hairloss down. Some new peach fuzz. Nothing to write home about yet.

by intricate1 » Mon May 04, 2009 5:48 pm
You guys I'm on my 15th day and I'm seeing regrowtg at the hair line and temples give it more time and exclude minox it could be messing it up. I'm seeing it and others are also so patients , I don't think it is placibo but I will wait till Its over then I'll judge

by intricate1 » Sun May 10, 2009 11:27 pm
Well doc I for sure have seen SOME growth on my temples but I can not say I have seen improvement anywhere else, can you tell me why my temples are responding this fast and not other places. On my temples some of the hairs have gotten thicker and longer, and when applying I felt a much stronger tingle on my temples.I have shed alot on my vertex. I must have looked at the pics on the site over a 100 times but I'm having a hard time seeing any new growth on trialist's head, all I see is all of his hair including the back and sides getting longer and thicker, and now you are saying that the new pics are not good. Sadly his vertex looks the same. I was wondering doc is it posible to have this injected like the plasma procedure?. If I see regrowth On other areas and hair loss is stopped I am going to get one more batch just to do it at the end of summer. Thanks for you time and I can't Ever call you a scam even if I'm not happy at the end of treatment

by intricate1 » Mon May 18, 2009 1:11 pm
Not wet but moist, the pores open up. I am seeing same results( less shed than before a&g) like every body else. I'm doing second application at the end of summer and then I'm done.

by Melon Collie » Mon May 04, 2009 7:36 pm
I am on my third treatment as of this morning. So far not much to report. Maybe a slight tingle but could have been from all the massaging. Slight itch once or twice but nothing continuous or annoying.
What I've seen in my scalp/hair:
Healthier looking hair ie. more body and managability
A LOT of peach fuzz and some lengthening of miniaturized hair
A lot of little bumps or little pimples on scalp
Before I started using the complex and the laser I was using tea trea oil shampoo and soap, alternating it with seabuckthorn oil shampoo and soap. I also did 5 scalp peels each a week apart. First I did 2 peels with Z-peel 30% and then 3 peels with salicylic acid 15%
This is what I'm doing when on A&G application days...
Wash hair with tea trea oil shampoo
Laser 20-25 minutes
apply 1/2 bottle of the AG
massage 5-10 minutes
laser 5-8 minutes
massage with this electric "tingler" scalp massager about 10 minutes
On the off days I just shampoo with tea trea oil shampoo or T-Sal shampoo.
I am thinking about using the derma roller I bought but haven't yet. Maybe next application.

by virtua_ » Sat May 09, 2009 1:10 am
Dear Dr AQ,

Thanks for bringing this product to the market. I've been using it for nearly four weeks and seem to have had some success, but I guess it's too early to tell... I keep taking pictures and will post if the results get more visible!

Now for my question:

I'm going to the hairdresser this week, and since summer is right around the corner, I am going to bleach the hair (just some stripes).

My hairdresser does this using a hood through which she pulls some strands of hair to bleach.

Now, my question is, could this damage the scalp and hinder hair regrowth in any way? I've seen most people say no since the hood will probably protect and the bleach never really reaches the scalp, but some say yes... What is your take on this? If it can be damaging, will it be very damaging?


by aviador » Tue May 12, 2009 5:04 pm

Things are going fine here I think. Still one vial to finish the treatment.
Some shedding since 2-3 days ago, but nothing to be alarmed.
In general my hair look stronger, and the small and thin hairs of my headline are starting to develope again in to normal one.
I see some clearly growth in my balding temple, not enough yet to fill it all but it´s looking promising.
Not to much tingling or itching since I finished my 3rd vial, just from time to time, here and there, but mostly at night.

Guys I have a doubt, when doctor said that for obvious results you must wait between 6-8 weeks, Is it since you finish the last vial or since you start the treatment?. I think it´s since you finish the last vial, so that means some of you will maybe need to wait a bit more to see results. Or am I wrong?

Good night

by aviador » Fri May 15, 2009 3:42 pm
I am also seeing regrowth in my hairline and specially in my right template. At least all the small and unpigmented hairs are turning strong and colored again.
I am also shedding hair from my crown, long but thin ones.

by aviador » Sat May 16, 2009 5:21 am

Well I sais A&G is growing hair in my righ temple where actually I had a kind of hole. My hairline is closing again and that´s fact and not a maybe.
I am also sure is because A&G because I stopped Spectral before starting the treatment. Furthermore without A&G probably the amount of hair that I would be lossing right now by hair shock loss were amazing, and it´s not, only shedding some hairs.

I will order a new treatment in 2 months, I will apply it and forget about BMP for 6-7 months and then I will decide if I need more or not. The doctor said A&G prevents hairloss so then why to use a dht blocker. Furthermore i don´t think DHT explains everything, I think it was an early step in the study of MPB and even propecia and minox were discovered by casuality.

Even if A&G is working for me (and I am expecting to see more results along the next 2 months) I would not propose Dr. AQ for the nobel. There are more horrible illness outside. I would say he is a professional in his job whose products do what he promises.

by aviador » Mon May 18, 2009 1:50 pm
Now that I was writing in the Aminexil thread about Spectral DNC...

I am really amazed that I am not still having a super hard shedding from stopping minox how it usually happens. Weird or promising?
I want my yeah baby now!

by nate » Fri May 15, 2009 4:33 pm

I think I am seeing positive results, last night I applied my 12th treatment, I am lasering with it

First before I describe everything it is essential to know what kind of hairloss I have and what I am on currently

It always annoys me when people start saying this or that product works or does not work, then you see their pics and they got like no hairloss at all. Well for me, my temples are completely gone, that horseshoe area is becoming clearer and in the last year I have shaved it down to a 2-3 guard, which in some ways makes my balding more obvious. when the sun is on me, you can see my horseshoe pattern and I look about 40. The only reason I have any hair on me at all is because of 5 ar inhibitors, i took fin starting about 6 years ago, and in short it saved my hair. without it i would be as bald as my dad and all my cousins on my dad's side at my age (27). Baldness is crazy strong in my family, and I was first hit my sophomore year in college with a major shed and recession. Many more baldness comments about me have started coming up over the last year. So in short, without a doubt, i have mpb that is already rapidly progressed

Fin would have been great, but it gave me horrible sexual sides, sore nipples, weight gain, brain fog,etc. after about 3 years, fin just straight up stopped working, the sexual sides started going away and all of my gains went out the window. Then i started taking fin and dut together, had even worse sides. I saw on HLH almost 3 years ago a guy suggesting aloe and dut together and using it topically. worked, but again still had sides. Last year i tried making my own sinere finasgel and mixing it with dut. The only concentrations of it that worked, always eventually ended up giving me sides. In short I've always been chained to a 5ar inhibitor and had to choose between sides and hair.

In my attempts to get off of the sides, i've tried fluridil, RU, lasering, minox, zix, revivogen, Immortals hair regimen, flutamide, nanominox, finasgel, flutagel, nizoral, etc.

So that's my history, so how about now. Well, first off i'm currently only using lasering, AandG, and my own homemade dutagel. I had been lasering EOD and using dutagel about every day. My temples are completely gone. I've reduced the dutagel to using it once every other day, and using A and G with lasering on the other days. I'm cautiously optimistic about how things are going. I think my hair looks better, I think the area around my temples is growing hair back. My shedding is WAY down. and my scalp does not itch very badly anymore. My side effects are way down. I'm already starting to lose some of the dutasteride weight gain, my libido is tons better, but not perfect yet, my brain fog is a little clearer, and my running endurance is way better. Unfortunately, i'm kind of breaking out in acne too.

I believe that it is the A and G working, but I don't know. I think people will immediately say either it must be the lasers or it must be the dut. First off, with the dut, I know for sure dut that dut can regrow all of my hair, even back to the temples. Some people will not believe that, but i can tell you that at least for me it is true. taking a dut pill everyday for 14 days, i can already start to see strong hairs popping up at the temples. I've been on and off dut several times, and messed with all kinds of concentrations. The only problem is, the better it works, the more sides i get. It's never been different. But i can say this, whenever i have reduced my dut usage to once every other day, my hair has always suffered, my temples have always disappeared, my scalp has always become more itchy, especially on the days that i don't use dut. In short, only every day usage of dut has led to results.

I don't think it is the lasering, because I have lasered for 3 months last year, got no results, and was doing it for about 3 months before starting a and G. No results. The only thing i am doing differently is washing my hair before the lasering, as per the instructions for A and G. That might be the difference that is helping me, but i doubt it.

Now the big question is: Can the gains that I am getting now stay on my head once i either finish the A and G or stop using the dutasteride completely? In reality, I kind of doubt it can. When using RU, I stopped dut for 8 weeks and had horrible losses in hair, took months to recover. I also just cannot imagine that A and G complex would somehow create "permanent" results that would keep on my head after i stop using it. Time will only tell of course, but I'm pretty sure by staring at my hairline that is lowering that it is giving me good results, at least in the context of something that is supplementing once every other day topical dutasteride usage. But once again, I was pretty sure that I would be losing ground right now like in the past, instead of gaining some. For the record, if the complex cannot keep my hair after i completely quit dut or am done with the treatment, it don't think it will be worth it.

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:11 pm Hate2LoseIt
Lord knows that I'm the last guy to give false credit to any kind of product, especially hair loss products.....BUT, this A&G has potential.

Of course these are the early days (4 weeks In), but right at my receded hairline spots, I see a whole little carpet of very tiny BLACK hairs that i believe were non pigmented vellus hairs? If that's how you spell it. Of course, I have to get really close to the mirror to see em.

If I apply toppik to that area, I almost have a whole new hairline. (I was not able to do this before). Maybe I'm getting better at applying the toppik .....

Well also, My hair is always cut pretty low, like a it looks like Im a nw0 after I apply the toppik.

ANYWAY...the a&g is showing positive signs, HOPEFULLY this continues and If I see FULL GROWN HAIRS..... YOU WILL NEVER SEE ME HERE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAH LOL..

seriously though, overall little hairs are all over my right hairline and left.Im Not sure if they were already there, but I have been watching my hair for a very long time, and this seems new to me... And overall hair condition is much better in my opinion,....stronger looking hairs.

The OP is not delusional,....and I have seen these same reports on

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:59 pm chore boy
I'm experiencing the same thing as House... more so on the left than the right. These hairs aren't really cosmetic at this point but at the point when I started to notice changes, there was nothing else I was using that could have caused it other than the AGHC. As time passes, it appears more and more hairs are following suit. Encouraging but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Basically, I've seen enough to believe that AGHC isn't a scam.

by bug » Mon May 18, 2009 2:34 am
So Ive been away for a bit.

I think my hair is getting thicker at the roots. No new hairs though. Still too early to judge. I have one bottle of the complex left. So for me thats 3 more treatments.

Hey aviador I think I got you mixed up with someone else...maybe you are Spanish? Anyway sorry for the mix-up

I wonder what happened to Baccy. He is like a nw7 so if this works for him it will work for anybody

I think Ill post some science/theory stuff sometime soon...I've been too busy to get around to it.


by mm12 » Mon May 18, 2009 10:46 am
7 weeks has past since my first application and the hairloss is much much less now which makes me happy.

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158966 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158962] :: Mi., 20 Mai 2009 23:05 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Warum so aggressiv?

Falls es sich durchsetzen sollte, weil es so gut ist, und wirkt, dann wird das sicher öffentlich.

Abwarten, Tee trinken. Nicht auszucken.

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158970 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158962] :: Do., 21 Mai 2009 02:20 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
soweit ich das verstehen habe haben die user ja sehr gute erfolge !!!

ich werde mir das zeug nächste Monat bestellen Smile

bloß wie mache ich das mit dem Zoll

Ist es ok wenn ich dann an meinen GHE rechts 1 ml und links 1 ml drauf machen so das eine flasche 1 woche hebt oder ist das zu viel ?????

19.10 halbe Letrozol
Fin wieder angefangen 1mg 30.08
A & G Hairkomplex 08.07.2009
AC- Therapie und AC Reviva 16.04.09

Zink 50mg
Mega Bcaa´s

Abgesetzt seit 29.04.2009
Fin 1,25mg 25.01.09
DynamSop und Bay 10.01.09

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158973 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158970] :: Do., 21 Mai 2009 08:39 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Ja, bis zu einer Woche stellt es kein Problem dar!

Der Doktor sagte dazu: Finally, the product remains fresh and can last longer. FYI- the product won't go bad quickly unless you leave it open and exposed for more than 1 week (not encouraged)

[Aktualisiert am: Do., 21 Mai 2009 08:40]

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158974 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Do., 21 Mai 2009 10:05 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Wohl eher 0.5ml links und rechts. Drei Fläschen verbrauchen und zwei Monate warten, dann den Rest. Es sei denn man will die Sache verschwenden.
Durch den Zoll bekäme man es indem man die Firma anweist, es als 'free cosmetic sample' zu deklarieren und ohne Rechnung oder sonstigen Papiere zu verschicken. Es ist ja nur ein Haarwasser, ohne irgend relevante Substanz gemäß dem 'Deutschen Arztneimittel Buch'.

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #158978 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Do., 21 Mai 2009 10:47 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
es gibt natürlich auch eine menge leute die keine veränderungen bemerkt haben. ob da noch was kommt, weiß ich nicht.
aggressiv bin ich nicht, nur verärgert Smile weil hier so viel quatsch gepostet wird. ich bin dem produkt weder pro noch contra eingestellt. ich geb es nur eine faire chance.

hab hier zumindest auch mal ein paar neutrale und negative resultate rauskopiert, es gibt da noch einige mehr, die hier nicht drinstehen:

by kamui » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:30 pm
Used up all bottles, been about a month so far since using it. No tingle or itching at all, no results at all either.

by kamui » Thu May 07, 2009 3:44 pm
5 weeks now, no results, crown looks thinner now.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:41 am lucy923
Update here too, I just finished my 8th and final treatment yesterday and I started on March 31, so I am on day 17 now and I feel like I have shed some and thinned out overall but that is to be expected I guess before any regrowth will be noticeable. I will let you guys know how it pans out in the next couple weeks if there are any changes. Here's to new growth and thicker hair

by kamui » Fri May 15, 2009 7:23 am
Week 6, still nothing.

by cloud9 » Sun May 10, 2009 7:06 am
Its been three weeks now scents I took my last treatment .It may still be to early for results but nothing as of now . Still waiting .

by mrw » Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:33 pm

Well, it has been one month since I started the AGHC (3 weeks since my last application). I hesitate to post this because I cant report this as a miracle yet, which I know most are hoping it is. What I can tell you is this:

My scalp feels pretty good
Less oily
Scalp is less "stiff" and more pliable, feels healthier

Hair is really dried out and brittle, looks like crap
I have lost TONS of hair- I mean I have shed a tremendous amount. I say this in the least emotional, most scientific way- a vast quantity of hair.

I have been on rogaine for a year (applied 2x a day) and in the beginning I shed a little as was to be expected, but it paled in comparison to the shedding seen with the AGHC. On the rogaine I have been just moving along with no change for a good six months, nice and steady. Then I use the AGHC and 2 weeks later...left temple- GONE, Right temple- almost gone. Crown is now see thru. I cannot stress how severe this shed has been. My hair is no longer cosmetically viable. I have shed both weak hairs and strong healthy, thick hairs.

I know many of you might be thinking- "oh, a shed is good, you will respond well", however, I dont feel that way because based on previous experience I have never once recovered from a shed. Once its gone its gone. Who knows maybe with this it will be different, but Im not holding my breath.

I know some follow up questions to this will ensue so I will try and anticipate them and give the following answers:
1. yes, I experienced the AGHC itch/tingle from day one
2. I used one vial per treatment every other day followed by 5-10 minute massage
3. No I did not use lasers, but I dermarolled with a 1mm roller before treatment
4. I did use rogaine 5% on the AGHC off days and still use it now 2x a day
5. No, I did not take pics- I wish I did, but I didnt. sorry.

I hope some of you are having better luck than me so far. I also fully expect Dr. AQ to say in response to this "this is normal, you are responding well." It seems that everything anyone has experienced is "normal and responding well."

Lets hope this ends up regrowing all that it has taken away- who knows, it might. All I can do now is stay positive.

by mm12 » Mon May 11, 2009 11:12 am
it is been 6 weeks now since my first application and still losing hairs. no improvement so far. but I think the hair loss is due to lowering minox to once a day. I will wait another 2 to 4 weeks for the results and hope to see something.

by driver52 » Mon May 11, 2009 2:45 pm
Same situation here...5 weeks since first application. Still readily losing hairs. No improvement.

I was hoping that by the time I needed a haircut my hair would have more coverage for my see through crown. Doesnt look like thats gonna happen.

I just wish the shedding would stop already because then I could stop thinking about it and then I think I would definitely see an improvement. Doc said shedding stops between 4-6 weeks...that gives one more week.

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #159004 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158974] :: Do., 21 Mai 2009 16:14 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Villain schrieb am Don, 21 Mai 2009 10:05

Wohl eher 0.5ml links und rechts. Drei Fläschen verbrauchen und zwei Monate warten, dann den Rest. Es sei denn man will die Sache verschwenden.
Durch den Zoll bekäme man es indem man die Firma anweist, es als 'free cosmetic sample' zu deklarieren und ohne Rechnung oder sonstigen Papiere zu verschicken. Es ist ja nur ein Haarwasser, ohne irgend relevante Substanz gemäß dem 'Deutschen Arztneimittel Buch'.

Warum meinst du das es verschwendung wäre ????

Und waru nicht alle 5 Flaschen verbrauchen bei der Dosis von 1ml jeden 2 Tag ???

Warum nur 3 Flaschen ????

Wie haben es die Amis benutzt??

Wenn man eine Flasche nicht länger als 1 Woche benutzen soll, dann wären ja 0,5ml pro seite ja nicht so gut da es dann 1 1/2 Wochen dauert bis eine Flasche aufgebraucht ist ???

[Aktualisiert am: Do., 21 Mai 2009 16:17]

19.10 halbe Letrozol
Fin wieder angefangen 1mg 30.08
A & G Hairkomplex 08.07.2009
AC- Therapie und AC Reviva 16.04.09

Zink 50mg
Mega Bcaa´s

Abgesetzt seit 29.04.2009
Fin 1,25mg 25.01.09
DynamSop und Bay 10.01.09

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #159006 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Do., 21 Mai 2009 16:55 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Der Erfolg wird nicht größer wenn du mehr aufträgst, die Wirkung ist nicht dosisabhängig; im Gegenteil, eine längere Anwendung verspricht mehr Erfolg. Das bedeutet nur so viel wie nötig auftragen und so wenig wie möglich. Du müßtest schon GHE wie den halben Kopf haben, damit du 1ml pro Seite brauchst.. Möglicherweise sollte man die Intervalle gar verlängern, also zwei mal die Woche oder einmal die Woche auftrage (nämlich gibt es sehr ähnliche Produkte für die das so gilt). Bzgl der Haltbarkeit ist das kein Problem. Aber macht mal, jeder wie er weiß..

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #159009 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #158978] :: Do., 21 Mai 2009 18:00 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
alles klar, finde ich sehr fair.


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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #159076 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Fr., 22 Mai 2009 18:56 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
So Leute, ich hab mich jetzt entschieden eine Packung von dem Zeug zu bestellen. Ich werde, sobald ich mit der Therapie begonnen habe hier monatlich Bericht erstatten.

Selbst wenn nicht allzuviel davon zu erwaren sein sollte, eins scheint es zu bewirken - die Kopfhaut ist weniger fettig und schon das sind mir die 150 Euro wert.

Minox Regaine 5% (abends)
Pantostin (abends)

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #159081 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #159076] :: Fr., 22 Mai 2009 19:21 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
dieter00002 schrieb am Fre, 22 Mai 2009 18:56

So Leute, ich hab mich jetzt entschieden eine Packung von dem Zeug zu bestellen. Ich werde, sobald ich mit der Therapie begonnen habe hier monatlich Bericht erstatten.

Selbst wenn nicht allzuviel davon zu erwaren sein sollte, eins scheint es zu bewirken - die Kopfhaut ist weniger fettig und schon das sind mir die 150 Euro wert.

hmmm... also das kann ich nicht behaupten.

bei mir zumindest nicht!


Fin Oral, Bockshornklee-Kapseln, 2% Minox, Dutasterid, Thallium Sulficum, Aminexil, Fin-Minox5%-Topisch, Fluta-Gel, Revivogen, Fin 0,1mg ORAL + TOPISCH, Carrasyn, Spiro-Lotion, A&G, Lamisil, Öle, Androcur-Topisch

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #159083 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #159076] :: Fr., 22 Mai 2009 19:25 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
dieter00002 schrieb am Fre, 22 Mai 2009 18:56

So Leute, ich hab mich jetzt entschieden eine Packung von dem Zeug zu bestellen. Ich werde, sobald ich mit der Therapie begonnen habe hier monatlich Bericht erstatten.

Selbst wenn nicht allzuviel davon zu erwaren sein sollte, eins scheint es zu bewirken - die Kopfhaut ist weniger fettig und schon das sind mir die 150 Euro wert.

Mache das, es wäre wünschenswert wenn du jetzt ein Foto reinstellst und jeden Monat ein aktuelles. Denke nur so lassen sich die meisten hier überzeugen oder auch nicht.

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Re: A&G Hair Complex ( 2 ) [Beitrag #159090 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #157336] :: Fr., 22 Mai 2009 19:53 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
Ich glaube wenn es bei pepe klappt....müsste es bei allen klappen.Smile
was pepe alles versucht hat....und kein erfolg hatte ist schon scheise:(
Hoffen wir das beste....obwohl wie schon oft erwähnt.....halte ich nichts davon.... weil die ganze vermarktung zum plump ist.

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Vorheriges Thema: Wann ist die HM so weit, dass sie auf den Markt kommt und bewiesene Resultate bringt ?
Nächstes Thema: Haarwuchs für jedermann durch biotechnologische Neuentwicklung.
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aktuelle Zeit: Mo. Sep 30 13:26:22 MESZ 2024

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