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Was haltet ihr davon? [Beitrag #11608] :: PM, 28.44.2008 13:44 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
was haltet ihr von dieser aussage seitens dr. bernstein und cole?
deckt sich das mit eurer erfahrung, dass das wachstum der haare mindestens 18 monate und viel eher 24 monate benötigt?
wäre froh wenn sich viele melden.

I’d like to expand upon the following comment by Dr. Bernstein:

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“A final issue regarding expectations is related to the time frame in which the patient expects to see the results of his procedure. The normal follicular growth cycle is quite variable. In most patients, the majority of the transplanted hair *begins to grow at about 3 to 4 months* after surgery, with additional hair appearing over the next several months. In a significant percentage of patients, the onset of growth of the bulk of the hair can be seen from 4 to 8 months or more, with additional new hair occasionally appearing up to *18 months after the transplant.* Since newly transplanted hair will *increase in diameter and in length,* in this subset of patients, there may be *continued cosmetic improvement for up to two years.*
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(emphasis added.)

There is a disturbing tendency on this forum to *shorten the allowable time-frame for HT results, and more importantly, to misunderstand the crucial issue of hair thickening over the hair cycle.* This causes a great deal of unnecessary anxiety. Hair is slow. The entire cycle of anagen, catagen and telogen on the human scalp requires about 3-4 years to complete.

The hair follicle is traumatized when it is moved from the donor area to the recipient area. Most patients shed ~90% of their transplanted grafts after surgery. This is to be expected. The hair cycle then begins for the transplanted grafts. The length of the hair cycle in a given individual is subject to a great deal of variation, and is genetically determined. Which means: don’t imagine that *your progress* will track precisely with anyone else’s progress. This is highly unlikely. The old saw about expecting 30% of your growth at 3 months, 40% at 4 months and so on is mere cliche. It sounds nice – round numbers and all – but is highly deceptive. People think they should be seeing their “final results” at “1 year.” This is nonsense. It is true that the *yield* of your procedure should be mostly evident at 1 year; however, the full cosmetic effect of the surgery will likely NOT be fully realized after only 1 year. Why is that? Here’s Dr. Cole on the essential and neglected subject of hair diameter determining coverage:

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Hair is a cylinder. As such we can determine its surface area and its volume. Volume is defined by the formula V = pr2 h and this equates to the individual hair mass. *Small changes in diameter result in significant changes in volume. Doubling the diameter results in a quadrupling of the volume.* By the same token, decreasing the diameter through miniaturization of androgenic alopecia by ½ results in 1/4th the volume of hair. *The use of the term volume is useful because minor changes in hair radius result in significant changes in volume.*
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(emphasis added)

My point is simple. When you get HT, cover your mirrors. It is absurd and futile to expect “results” at, say, 4 months. It sometimes seems on this forum that “4 months” is the new *year.* Remember: the hair must cycle in a genetically determined and individually variable process. The traumatized graft *thickens* over multiple cycles. Dr. Bernstein points out that a significant subset of patients will see new hair growth at 18 months and will not realize a true final result, in some cases, for 2 years. The reason that one will not see a true final result for 18-24 months is because of the simple math explained above by Dr. Cole.

Think about what this means: *doubling the diameter results in *quadrupling* the volume.* In HT, the illusion of coverage is everything. For reasons both genetic and mathematical, the full coverage value of any HT procedure will rarely be realized before 18 months, and more likely 2 years.

So stop watching the grass grow and comparing "progress pics.” The anxious chemistry that this provokes may well be counter-productive to the final result of your HT.

[Aktualisiert am: Mo., 28 Januar 2008 13:46]

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Andreas Krämer Andreas Krämer - Freier Berater
ProHaar Prohaar Klinik: günstige OP nahe Wien
Dr. Aygin Haartransplantation Türkei: Natürliche Ergebnisse mit Dr. Serkan Aygin
Dr. Balwi Online-Konsultation mit Doktor Bicer
Dr. Balwi Haartransplantation in der Türkei seit 1998
Dr. Acar Cosmedica Resul Yaman Vera Clinic

Partner Hairforlife FUE EUROPE

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