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Your input is valued [Beitrag #10818] :: PM, 10.59.2008 19:59 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
Firstly I'd like to introduce myself and apologise for posting in English on a German site. I'm resident in Germany and therefore would like to get inputs from people here and not in the US.

I'd appreciate your inputs to my situation. I have been reading a lot here but may have missed answers to questions I may ask -sorry in advance for that. Please post in German if you like I will understand, just don't write it too good, but I will try in coming posts

To the issue

I've been losing my hair slowly since 1997. Not enough for anyone else to notice except me, I worked out lots of ways of covering it up. It only started falling out a lot from 2006.

-The first picture is from Jan 2005.

The second picture is yesterday, taken in daylight, unwashed, scraped back and with no gel or thickener. So you can see the situation as it really is.

The third is from yesterday after "prettying it all up" So many may ask "What's your problem Dude" you're doing better than most....

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Anbieter Haartransplantation
Andreas Krämer Andreas Krämer - Freier Berater
ProHaar Prohaar Klinik: günstige OP nahe Wien
Dr. Aygin Haartransplantation Türkei: Natürliche Ergebnisse mit Dr. Serkan Aygin
Dr. Balwi Online-Konsultation mit Doktor Bicer
Dr. Balwi Haartransplantation in der Türkei seit 1998
Dr. Acar Cosmedica Resul Yaman Vera Clinic

Partner Hairforlife FUE EUROPE

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