Startseite » Haartransplantation » Haartransplantation allgemein » FUE EUROPE Meeting in Prague April 18th - 19th, 2015 (1st public announcement)
FUE EUROPE Meeting in Prague April 18th - 19th, 2015 [Beitrag #99780] :: PM, 27.29.2015 19:29 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
FUE EUROPE Meeting in Prague April 18th - 19th, 2015

We are progressing the next meeting and I´m happy to give some more
details today about the foreseen topics.

April 18th (Saturday)

9.30 - 13.00 Scientific presentations
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.30 - 17.30 Surgery live / small case 250 grafts (Location: Aura
clinic, Prague)
- the use of a camera during procedure
- microscopic evaluation of outcome micromotor vs standard
18.30 - 22.30 Walk through old city and dinner

April 19th (Sunday)

9.00 10.00 FUE EUROPE Trust Logo
10.15 - 11.00 Scientific presentation: Collection and evaluation of publications about hair transplant
11.00 - 12.30 Organisation, Elections
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch

This is not final - as usual everyone is kindly invited to share ideas, experiences and know how

So please consider to make a contribution to the next meeting,especially for the "Scientific section" !

In some days we will send you the concrete details how to participate and a inscription form.

To join and participate please subscribe to mailing list

(Teilnehmerkreis: Sorry, nur für Professionals !)

[Aktualisiert am: So., 13 März 2016 16:23] -
Foren Haarausfall und Haartransplantation

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Anbieter Haartransplantation
Andreas Krämer Andreas Krämer - Freier Berater
ProHaar Prohaar Klinik: günstige OP nahe Wien
Dr. Aygin Haartransplantation Türkei: Natürliche Ergebnisse mit Dr. Serkan Aygin
Dr. Balwi Online-Konsultation mit Doktor Bicer
Dr. Balwi Haartransplantation in der Türkei seit 1998
Dr. Acar Cosmedica Resul Yaman Vera Clinic

Partner Hairforlife FUE EUROPE

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