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First Successful Hair Cloning Technique [Beitrag #47166] :: Do, 07.01.10 07:41 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
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Researchers Develop First Successful Hair Cloning Technique
Two leading New York and Charlotte hair transplant surgeons and researchers, Gary Hitzig, M.D. and Jerry Cooley, M.D.., have become the first medical doctors to successfully clone hair using an FDA-cleared wound healing powder called MatriStem® MicroMatrix™. Using this powder, Dr. Hitzig and Dr. Cooley have been able to create a technique that multiplies the number of hair follicles in an area that had previously stopped growing hair – a breakthrough that many hair restoration researchers have been trying to accomplish.

MatriStem MicroMatrix, a product of regenerative medicine innovator, ACell, Inc., is a wound healing powder that promotes healing and tissue growth and has now proven to help regenerate hair in the donor and recipient regions of hair transplant patients. While intended for diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, pressure ulcers, traumatic wounds, second degree burns, surgical wounds (donor sites/grafts) and trauma wounds, Hitzig and Cooley have found that its properties offer a broader scope of treatment, including hair cloning.

MatriStem fundamentally changes wound healing by triggering new blood vessel formation at the wound site, as well as providing a favorable substrate for host cell attachment, proliferation and differentiation. Hitzig and Cooley have also found that MatriStem causes the body to regenerate the original tissue complete with hair follicles.

“We've made amazing breakthroughs using MatriStem as a hair cloning tool,” said Dr. Hitzig. “We've been able to multiply the number of hair follicles growing in the recipient area, and as an added benefit are seeing faster hair growth. This new hair cloning technique also makes hair transplantation surgery less invasive.

“We are excited about the results of our preliminary studies,” said Dr. Cooley. “By combining the MatriStem with existing follicle components, it appears that we are able to achieve true hair regeneration. Further research will help us to refine this process to make it a consistent, reproducible technique. It may be especially well suited for those who have run out of traditional hair for transplantation.”

The original intent of the study was to see if the wound healing powder could correct scars from previous hair transplants and re-grow hair in the donor area. Successful results in treating scars led to this hair cloning breakthrough.

Dr. Gary Hitzig is a board certified hair restoration surgeon in New York City. He is also the author of Help and Hope for Hair Loss and developed and patented the Hitzig Linear Punch, a collection of extremely sharp disposable surgical punches that make narrow elliptical slots, which are sold to surgeons around the world. Dr. Hitzig has published numerous peer review articles on hair transplant techniques and is a regular presenter at medical hair restoration symposiums around the world. Dr. Hitzig is a member of the American Society of Dermatological Surgery, International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and the American Hair Loss Council. He can be reached at (516) 536-0385 or visit

Dr. Jerry Cooley is a board certified dermatologist in Charlotte, North Carolina and diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS). He

Zum Ausschlachten die Sache, hab ich im Moment aber keine Zeit. Für die HT-Szene, klingt es jedenfalls auch nicht verkehrt ...
Leute, ich muss zugeben, dass ich total überrascht war von dieser (meiner Meinung nach etwas zu früh veröffentlichten) Nachricht. Daher hatte ich noch keine Zeit, der Sache auf den Zahn zu fühlen. ABER:

The original intent of the study was to see if the wound healing powder could correct scars from previous hair transplants and re-grow hair in the donor area. Successful results in treating scars led to this hair cloning breakthrough.
Wenn z.B. NUR das (Fettschrift) in der Tat auch dorhin kommt, was ich denke, im Übrigen schon FDA-geprüft ist, Leute, dann haben wir GEWONNEN ...

[Aktualisiert am: Do, 07 Januar 2010 08:42]

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ProHaar Prohaar Klinik: günstige OP nahe Wien
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