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Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63727] :: AM, 8.1.2011 06:01 Zum nächsten Beitrag gehen
First of all greetings to this forum as it has been very helpful for me in my research for possible HT for last few months even though I don't speak Dutch (but google translator has been of assistance). As I don't speak speak Dutch, unfortunately, so I hope the forum would let me write up in English and I'll also be able to collect some valuable (life-saving) information.

I've been looking to have HT for the last couple of years and been researching actively and at times passively. According to my research, the most sought out HT clinics in Europe are in Belgium for hair transplant. Having collected all the possible information online I had a trip to Brussels couple of months ago to have face to face consulation with all the possible options in Belgium. Long story short, having met few of the doctors face to face, I have trimmed down my options to 2 doctors: Dr. Feriduni and Dr. Devroye.

Now, the problem is that I can't decide between the two. Therefore I am turning to this forum and would be really grateful if someone can give me some feedback and real life experiences of those clinics, so that I can finally make the decision where to go. Any links to thread which have discussed the above doctors, would also be useful.

Just a background of my situtation: I'm about NW 4-5, According to the feedback from consulations (both online and face to face), I need about 5000-6000 grafts which could be accomplished in 2 surgeries using FUE. I have found consensus among clinics that I have good donor and that many grafts are available.

Really looking forward to collecting feedback.


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Aw: Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63795 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #63727] :: PM, 11.35.2011 20:35 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
I can see that this post has been seen by number of people but no response Sad

Anyhow, if you don't feel comfortable writing in English, please free to write in German, I'll somehow translate them. But I would highly appreciate your responses on the question I have posted.

Thanks a lot in advance!

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Aw: Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63798 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #63727] :: PM, 11.1.2011 21:01 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen

I would say Dr Feriduni is the better one, because we have a got a few results from him here in the forum. That is just my opinion. I have never heard anything about Dr Devroye, maybe he is better that Feriduni, but we haven't got any results and we can say anything about him without results.


[Aktualisiert am: Do., 11 August 2011 21:04] vom Moderator

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Aw: Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63802 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #63798] :: PM, 11.20.2011 21:20 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Thanks a lot Fin for taking the time to give valuable information. Could you provide some links of Feriduni's results? Especially if they are published by patients themselves.

Btw, has anyone noticed who have provided negative feedback about Feriduni (or Dr. Devroye) for that matter?

Who other doctor do you think should be considered for FUE in Europe?


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Aw: Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63803 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #63727] :: PM, 11.29.2011 21:29 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
You are welcome,

I supposte that we have got one result in this forum about Feriduni. Please look at the results, the part of the forum is called: ''Erfahrungsberichte und Ergebnisse'' which has got the results from a few doctors and Feriduni. You can find it on the first big site of this forum.

I just can say my opinion. I looked also for a long time for the right doctor and I in my opinion are the best FUE Doctors, Dr. Keser from Turkey and Dr Azar from Germany.

I have seen a lot of very good results from Dr Keser, you can find them here in the forum and I saw a very good result from Dr Azar.

Have a look at the results and then choose the right one, but If you want, you can ask us here and we will help you.

I think a lot of users would help you but they are not able to speak English, that is the reason why nobody answered.


I have found the right topic with Dr Feriduni's work.


[Aktualisiert am: Do., 11 August 2011 21:31] vom Moderator

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Aw: Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63805 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #63803] :: PM, 11.27.2011 23:27 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Dont know about Dr. Devroye and just saw good FUT results from Dr. Feriduni.

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Aw: Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63808 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #63727] :: AM, 12.47.2011 00:47 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
But I haven't understood whether you are looking for FUT or FUE?

I think that Feriduni makes just FUT, maybe I am wrong.


[Aktualisiert am: Fr., 12 August 2011 14:52] vom Moderator

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Aw: Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63809 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #63808] :: AM, 12.11.2011 01:11 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Fin schrieb am Fri, 12 August 2011 00:47
But I

I think that Feriduni make just FUT, maybe I am wrong.

No, he makes a nice example for FUE:

but i think he makes mostly FUT. And if I had the choice between FUT and FUE with Dr. Ferudini i would decide FUT...because of the constantly good results.

ca. 0,8 mg Fin - tgl.
KET-Shampoo - 3x/Wo.
Meine HT-Story:

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Aw: Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63820 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #63727] :: AM, 12.45.2011 10:45 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Hello Shane,

Okay, I didn't know that.


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Aw: Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63831 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #63808] :: PM, 12.44.2011 19:44 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
I am looking for FUE and Feriduni does FUE, thats for sure Smile

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Aw: Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63847 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #63727] :: PM, 13.14.2011 12:14 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
But why did you choose Feriduni? There are a few docs that are so much better than him.

If I were you I would change another doc.


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Aw: Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63958 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #63847] :: PM, 18.41.2011 17:41 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
No, I havent decided yet which doctor to go with. What doctors do you think are better than Feriduni and why/how?

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Aw: Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye for FUE? [Beitrag #63983 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #63798] :: AM, 19.59.2011 11:59 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen

please have a look at the part of the forum ''Erfahrungsberichte und Ergebnisse''

There are so many results of different doctors. The best doctor is in my opinion Dr. Keser from Turkey. All of his reusults are very good and they look wonderful.

But it is you decision, Dr Feriduni is also a good doctor, but I think he is not as good as Keser.


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Anbieter Haartransplantation
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Partner Hairforlife FUE EUROPE

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