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Propecia/Finasterid experience [Beitrag #149560] :: PM, 26.29.2020 18:29
Dear all

I am a 42 year old Caucasian male and I have now been using 1 mg Finasterid daily for about 1.5 years and I think I see positive effects:

My hair loss stopped
I think I even got a bit of previously lost hair back, or at least previous miniaturization have been reversed. Could also be an illusion.
I haven't noticed any bad side effects. My nor-wood scale is somewhere between 2 and 3  - a slightly receded hairline, haven't noticed any hair loss at the scalp or vertex yet. Could still have lost there, but not yet enough to be visible to the eye.

I am curious to hear about other peoples experiences, both good and bad. 

Thanks in advance for sharing

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