HT bei Dr Mwamba [Beitrag #60887] :: PM, 20.7.2011 23:07
Beiträge: 19 Registriert: März 2011
My german is not good. So, I am writing in english. Please excuse.
I was losing my hairs since 4 years, I tried different solutions except Fin, the solutions that I tried didn't work out. So, I decided to go for HT.
I went to Hamburg FUE, The consultation was kind of Ok. I couldn't meet the doctor and moreover when i search in this forum, I didn't find anyone done HT in Hamburg.
Then I keep on reading this forum, then I found out about Dr Mwamba. Some of them wrote their success.
Last week I was in Brüssel and consulted with Dr Mwamba.
He suggested to me, HT(FIT) for around 2200 grafts for the complete (front and back). I told him that I wanted to have in the front since my budget is restricted, then he suggested to do it with around 1700 grafts (only front).
I am waiting for the dates from Dr Mwamba.
Any suggestions, please welcome..
before HT
to do and don't do
After HT do and don't do long it takes the scars to disappear?
3.expected time for results around 3-6 months?
Anhang: front.jpg
(Größe: 104.48KB, 765 mal heruntergeladen)
Anhang: back.jpg
(Größe: 97.04KB, 581 mal heruntergeladen)
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Aw: HT bei Dr Mwamba [Beitrag #60956 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #60939] :: PM, 26.15.2011 18:15 
Beiträge: 19 Registriert: März 2011
gut zu hören!
Ich hoffe bald du wirst das Resultat sehen!
Ich möchte dir ein paar frage stellen..
1.hattest du nach dem OP schmerz gehabt? wenn ja, Wie viel tage?
2.hast du von Dr Patrick etwas gekauft? z.b rogaine oder schmerz tabletten oder etwas andere..? die produckte hat dir geholfen?
3. und was kosten die? die haben mir geschreiben dass ich muss 150 euro nach dem OP bezahlen muss..
[Aktualisiert am: Di., 26 April 2011 22:45]
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Aw: HT bei Dr Mwamba [Beitrag #60976 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #60887] :: AM, 27.53.2011 03:53 
Beiträge: 9 Registriert: Januar 2011
Danke, hoffe ich auch. Momentan ist die Haut noch strapaziert und rötlich, bilden sich immer wieder Pickel.
1. Nein, die OP verläuft schmerzlos keine Sorge, du kannst Filme schauen, Fernsehen oder Musik hören, also vergiss dein Ipod nicht. Wenn die Betäubung nachlässt, bekommst du sofort eine neue Spritze, musst es einfach sagen. Das Team ist sehr nett und zuvorkommend.
2. just noticed you speak, I order rogaine from biovea, i guess its cheaper,Mwambas price for rogaine is pretty high as I remember. I bought the package that they offer for 150 euros. I suppose you got to buy that, I didn't even ask. It contains antibiotics, strong painkillers, shampoo, sprays to keep the wound moist and some kind of a bandana (looks akward,take a cap with you).
Hopefully that helped, if you got further questions, don't bother asking...
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Aw: HT bei Dr Mwamba [Beitrag #61008 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #60976] :: PM, 28.23.2011 21:23 
Beiträge: 19 Registriert: März 2011
this information that u wrote gives me an idea, how is going to be...
I will travel by Lufthansa, I hope there will not be any problem at the Brüssels Airport (after OP the head will look a bit messy). Did you travel by Flight?
This question is not a technical,, how did u manage for the lunch? did they order for you?
Can you upload your fotos? if possible.
I am counting my days, in 10 days....
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Aw: HT bei Dr Mwamba [Beitrag #61298 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #60887] :: PM, 11.19.2011 21:19 
Beiträge: 19 Registriert: März 2011
I have done HT and came back today from Brussels.
Initially, we agreed to do about 1700-2000 grafts.
Before the HT, he told me that if needed more he will put more grafts, I agreed for that. He ends up with 2143 grafts.
Finished HT yesterday night 10.30 pm..
I do have slight pain on my Donor area. Hopefully tomorrow will disappear. Receipt area feels little itchy but not pain also some swelling, hope those also will disappear soon.
Kagawa, How did you feel after(after 1 day) HT?
And I hope soon you see your results
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Aw: HT bei Dr Mwamba [Beitrag #61803 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #60887] :: AM, 2.22.2011 07:22 
Beiträge: 62 Registriert: Februar 2011
Hey Thrusty,
Do you have some pictures in more detail?
Can you give me more Information about the swelling? How long did it take till the swelling has gone away? Did it swell down to your eyes?
In meantime, do you have a shedding of the new injected hairs? If Yes, what would you say: How many percentage of the new hairs is temporarily gone?
Thanks and Kind Regards.
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Aw: HT bei Dr Mwamba [Beitrag #61817 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #61803] :: PM, 3.43.2011 18:43 
Beiträge: 19 Registriert: März 2011
Hey Blub,
I did have swelling in my forehead (above eyebrows till the hair line) after OP, this swelling was gone after 4 or 5 days.
But the swelling in receiptent area still there, But disappearing slowly. Its not easily visible, when I touch the reciptent area with my fingers, then I feel it. Yesterday, I talked with Dr Patrick, he asked me to apply one of the cream(normally they gave after OP).
Shedding, started since 6 days before. I lost approximately 40-50% of transplanted hairs.
You can take a look the fotos that i have attached. I am not good fotographer and i didnot have better camera..
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