Startseite » Alopecia Areata » Alopecia Areata » Rubbing Ginger Juice (Natural JAK Inhibitor) Regrew Alopecia Areata Patch
Rubbing Ginger Juice (Natural JAK Inhibitor) Regrew Alopecia Areata Patch [Beitrag #15055] :: Di., 01 November 2016 09:04 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
Hi all,

Just want to spread the word that topically rubbing ginger juice on my alopecia areata patch (on the beard I'm a guy) regrew my hair (which hasn't regrown by itself for 2 years). After just few weeks I started to see some lost hair growing back and after about 4 months all hair regrew.

Other systemic changes I've made: raising my vitamin D to within the normal range, avoiding stress, eating a lot of dietary fiber to support healthy gut flora (these three factors act to regulate the immune system).

Other study-based treatments I've tried or considered trying: rubbing onion juice, rubbing garlic juice, PRP.

Ginger supposed mechanism of action: some studies from recent years suggest that some compounds in ginger may act as JAK inhibitors which is exactly how the new experimental drugs which show great success in growing the hair of people with severe Alopecia work (ruxolitinib, tofacitinib). In addition, the ginger may also act to stimulate hair growth by inducing blood flow to the treated area.

You can read my full story of experimentation at (if for any reason the link is broken search in google 'resolvealopecia wordpress') which is a small blog I've created to contain the info about my experimentation with ginger (and other treatments which didn't work with as good results), how I've made the ginger juice and some other possible study-based treatment options (which I've considered).

Since the topical treatment with ginger juice is cheap, available and easy I think that anyone with patchy alopecia should try it.
My guess is that rubbing ginger would work better for people with patchy alopecia while for those with alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis it would be more crucial to first tackle the other factors mentioned above that act to regulate the immune system (again it's only my guess).

I hope this info helps as many people as possible! Smile

Before treatment with ginger was stable in this condition:

[Aktualisiert am: Di., 01 November 2016 09:06]

  • Anhang: before.jpg
    (Größe: 85.62KB, 1085 mal heruntergeladen)

My successful treatment of alopecia areata (AA) by topically rubbing ginger juice:

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