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information and questions Snejalin [Beitrag #427] :: Do., 04 Januar 2007 22:26 Zum nächsten Beitrag gehen
First of all my apologies that I write this in English. I am dermatologist in the Netherlands. Recently I was approached by doctor Ivantchev about Sjenalin. I am medical advisor of the Dutch Alopecia Areata Association (DAAA). In Holland we don't have experience with Sjenalin at all. On behalf of the members of the DAAA I am interested in your experience with Sjenalin. Did you use Sjenalin? Did it work? How many treatments did you need? How expensive was it? Were there side-effects?
I hope you can help me.
Thank you.
Dr. M.V. Heitink
the Netherlands

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Re: information and questions Snejalin [Beitrag #428 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #427] :: Fr., 05 Januar 2007 09:56 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
Hello M.V.
actually we have very few experiences with Snejalin in Germany, too. Mr Ivantchev showed up on this board a few month ago, exercising a very aggressive publicity, without giving the impression to have profound knowledge about AA.
His effect on the users of this board was (and is) very polarizing. Some tried the treatment and claimed to have positive results (difficult to say if those were authentic, since there were quite some new users amongst them), for others, unfortunately, it didn't work. I, personally, don't believe, that the treatment is effective, but since it's a condition which is very unpredictable, who knows?
He isn't a doctor by the way, only a practioner of alternative medicine.
If you understand German you can find some vivid discussions about and with Ivantchev in the old forum (you find the link in the upper right corner). I belive there were no side effects, the costs for the treatment were about 1000 €.
Kind regards, Kerstin

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