Forum Haarausfall bei Frauen

Haarausfall / Haartransplantation

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Re: Du lügst schon wieder.
Antwort zu Re: Branche, heißt es, von bine2
Antworten Erster Beitrag Forum
Side effects were present in 59% and resulted in cessation of the drug in 15%. Diuretic effect and menstrual irregularities were the most common adverse effects. CONCLUSIONS: After 200 person-years of exposure to spironolactone and 506 person-years of followup over 8 years, no serious illnesses thought to be attributed to spironolactone were reported."

Side effects were present in 59% and resulted in cessation of the drug in 15%.

Was steht hier:-)??

verfasst von:
tino ®
08/17/2004, 17:06:48

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