Forum Haarausfall bei Frauen

Haarausfall / Haartransplantation

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Antwort zu u.a. Spiro & Migräne von Annika
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How is it best taken?

Take with food.
A liquid (suspension) is available if you cannot swallow pills. Those who have feeding tubes can also use the liquid. Flush the feeding tube before and after medicine is given. Shake well first.

Also mit der Nahrung.

Check medicines with healthcare provider. Make sure there are no other medicines that increase potassium.
Avoid alcohol (includes wine, beer, and liquor). Can worsen high blood pressure or fluid gain.
Not for use in kidney disease. Talk with healthcare provider.
Avoid potassium-containing salt substitutes and potassium supplements. Talk with healthcare provider.
Do not use over-the-counter products that increase blood pressure. These include cough or cold remedies, diet pills, stimulants, ibuprofen or like products, and certain herbs or supplements. Talk with healthcare provider.
Tell healthcare provider if you are allergic to any medicine. Make sure to tell about the allergy and how it affected you. This includes telling about rash; hives; itching; shortness of breath; wheezing; cough; swelling of face, lips, tongue, throat; or any other symptoms involved.
Tell healthcare provider if you are pregnant or plan on getting pregnant.
Tell healthcare provider if you are breast-feeding.


What are the common side effects of this medicine?

Lightheaded. Avoid driving, doing other tasks or activities that require you to be alert until you see how this medicine affects you.
Dizziness is common. Rise slowly over several minutes from sitting or lying position. Be careful climbing stairs.
Females: Breast tenderness, deepening of voice, increased hair growth, menstrual changes.
Males: Breast enlargement.
Nausea or vomiting. Small frequent meals, frequent mouth care, sucking hard candy, or chewing gum may help.
High potassium. This may make you feel weak, lightheaded, dizzy, numbness, tingling, or like passing out.
Change in sexual ability or desire. This can return to normal after medicine is stopped. Talk with healthcare provider about other medicines without this side effect.

Achtung bei Ibu - Spiro, da gibts jedenfalls keine Synergien, sondern sie beeinflussen sich wechselseitig negativ.

Achtung auch bei ASS (auch in Nahrungsmitteln)

und bei kaliumreichen Lebensmitteln, wenn du z.B. ein Bananenjunkie bist


Viel Glück

in dubio und so

verfasst von:
bine2 ®
08/17/2004, 13:35:27

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